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Sun 2nd Feb 2020 07:40

Arrival in Prism

by Prudence Osta

Dear Diary,
I guess I should have hired additional adventurers to join me when clearing out that den of ghouls on the western border. Apparently, I have been slain, or nearly slain, and am now transported on a hopefully temporary basis to a new world where the gods are strange and the people stranger. I'm told the people of this place do not have the ability to invent ideas for themselves and require outside assistance in mastering their world. The term they used was to 'conquer' the world, though. And that has me a bit concerned.
It seems like it would be a good idea to map out the pros and cons of being here.
Pro: I'm not the only resident of the Prime Material Plane here!
Con: The only other person with any connection to the world I belong to is a necromancer, a cleric of Hekahuh, and a goblin.
Pro: I am expected to act as a protector, educator, and guide to the native population.
Pro: This clearly fulfils Almada's commandment to civilize and build.
Pro: There is a formal guild of adventurers already here to provide structure and guidance in this quest.
Con: They must not be doing a very good job for the city of Prism to be such an absolute chaotic disorderly mess.
Pro: I've been accepted into a group that already has acquired their own castle tower and is permitting me to stay within.
Con: That group contains the necromancer.
Pro: That group rescued a drow elf that everyone is calling a dark elf even though they are clearly not a dark elf (have they even seen a dark elf, this guy is way too tall, too dark skinned, and his ears are far too small to be a proper dark elf) and if this is a representative sampling of their kinds of missions, I can happily continue to assist.
Con: The mission was assigned by a deity, who then apparently cares not one bit for this elf that was rescued.
Con: The deities here seem to care only for their newest creations.
Con: I am supposedly assigned a connection to one of these strange gods.
Pro: The concept of a god who has shattered and been changed by it is not unfamiliar. I know that Calestros shattered, and She certainly still cares greatly for her People in her own very strange way.
Con: These new gods don't care about their pre-shatter People.
Pro: I am still able to use the powers granted to me by Beloved Almada.
Pro: That means I can use Her holiness to show these poor heathens a better way.
Total: 9 positive, and 7 negative.
Net 2 toward positive! It looks like I have nothing to complain about for the moment.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. How does the guild pay its members? Where do we get food? Who looks after the peasants and ensures that proper maintenance has been done to the castle grounds?

Continue reading...

  1. Arrival in Prism
  2. First Mission for the Guild