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Mon 19th Aug 2024 02:37

Entertainment for Riverhaven!

by Severus Snake

I have been told that Hamlet Town is where a Bard can make some cash. I have found three taverns available for my skills. The first two are some low-key taverns called The Mare's Elk and The Flowing Hawk. There is also a rather raucous bar called The Fir's Butler. As they are all very close to each other, I'm going to talk to all of the keepers and see if I can Move from place to place each night. I will speak to Thelthondel Heasianea at the Fir's Butler, then Nirthalros Tyrthym at the Flowing Hawk, and finally Leptredin Maloroc at the Mare's Elk.
Hopefully, they are all willing to hire an entertainer for the week so I can make some extra money for the next week! I'm looking forward to this week! Look out Riverhaven, Severus is on his way!