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5th of Asmodeus 457 BI

The Gates of Gotwiel

by So'Togu

While approaching Gotwiel about 100ft from the gate, the rifts opened, swarming us with dretches. Theoi not phased, charges to fight his foes with So'Umbra by his side they cut down their opponents left and right. Bravely Theoi goes head to head with the leader of the rift invasion a bearded dretch getting swarmed and battered with blows. Captain Ritik who was assigned with guarding the gate very selfishly took the kill on the bearded dretch and the rest of the fiends were no match.

The group with the city in shambles is being swarmed with fiends as rifts open all throughout it take refuge in the cities tunnel system which connects with the sewers. The group is not safe there though. Soon after entering the tunnels, they are ambushed by chokers who grab So’Umbra and Eurynome and pull them under the cities sewer waters. The ambush took the group heavily by surprise nearly killing all the members but in the twist of fates, Theoi breaks the hold of a choker and uses his divine powers to heal Eurynome. The two of them together manage to defeat the rest of the chokers losing Captain Ritik’s life during the fight they manage to survive and find their way out.

Entering a chamber further down the tunnels they find the rest of the soldiers with broken morales. They notice Captain Ritik is not with the group and start to face the idea of defeat, but So’Togu informs them all is well for Theoi and his brave companions will lead the cities defense. Gotwiel’s remaining guards look to Theoi and are instantaneously inspired his cloak flutters in the slight breeze in the tunnels a shining divine aura surrounds him and the sound of thunder as he raises his sword. He will be the end to all demons.

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  1. The Gates of Gotwiel
    5th of Asmodeus 457 BI
  2. The Gand Halls of Gotwiel
    6th of Asmodeus 457 BI
  3. In Defence Gotwiel
    7th of Asmodeus 457 BI
  4. Taking Back Gotwiel
    8th of Asmodeus 457 BI
  5. Taking back Gotweil II
    14th of Asmodeus 457 BI