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Fri 17th Sep 2021 02:57

It was Dark

by Mirr Ogne

So rather than joining the caravan at Wismir Isle, you joined the one at Mysroh Span. You've had some time at this different caravan from the party, the one in the northeast that is being run by the Stormcrows. That caravan is very unruly as it's run by a trio of brothers who tend to compete on their jobs. You were given an option of a job to guard a young noble who was looking for muscle while they search for something. Up til now, you've likely gotten the feeling that they allowed you to join the caravan because they thought you'd be an strong addition to their group, but your discipline has not worked well with the borderline brigands that make up the majority. This job for an individual rather than a group might be their way of getting you out of the picture.
Arriving at Atedna, you were met by a young elven noble named Aein Rossai, son of Aelyn Rossai. Who with some guards was intending to go into the excavated city to search for the family's scepter.
After a week of searching I was knocked out during a night ambush... We were attacked by a wall of corpses-Skeletons and Zombies.
The Grimm Lady, a former cleric of Xuone- Cryptic Blade, sends undead waves for " feeding"... she needs the light for cleanse her sins. Or the fire of creation.
The conclave of this creature that controlled the undead horde is within a old Church.
The Grimm Lady is part of a paladin Order that was last seen hundreds of years ago. As she died " So she abandons us"... Poor woman. Once she died a ocean of undead engulfed the chapel and grim lady feeding on her.

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  1. It was Dark
  2. Awaken In the Dark