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Fri 1st Oct 2021 02:17

Awaken In the Dark

by Mirr Ogne

When we entered I felt the connection to the creator sever, as well as to the spheres. I dislike it-the whispering amber under the anvil, the hammering, the entire cacophony of it all stilled my dreams and soul.
The sky-lighting seems to react to powerful forces in its region are defeated. T he Cat-monk seems bloodthirsty but we can work with that. There was a debate as to what we are doing after defeating the death lady.
"Xokran" is elder gith monk that leads a group away back to the mongrel city. Good luck to them.
As the keening reaches a new height the cosmos opens and I'm reunited with the gods power.
Our saviors seem to also be looking for the relic my charge is seeking. We should forge a new fellowship, taking strength in numbers. I hope they will agree.
The city itself seems to be a bastion within this odd place. I give as much aid as I can with the a odd human (dylan).
The strange girl aske me to "give last rites and prevent him form being undead" ritual. I hope they do not take great offence when I am done. The cat-lady seems inquisitive, while the strange girl showed off her artistry. She is rather good.
journal had some history regarding the dark lady. ( ask party)

Journal entries..
Delnissa 23, 1142
The Excision has begun and orders have filtered down for our Order to join the Excisors in their work. I do not believe that Xuone would approve of such slaughter. I will lodge a formal complaint.
Delnissa 30, 1142
I have been ordered to participate in local patrols around Xauthol as a Contrition for my disobedience. I do not know what the Grandmaster is thinking. She should know that this goes against our teachings. Death in its time, not before.
Vasi 12, 1142
The winter is hard here. It is rumored that the arcane guilds are brewing up something special to finish off those that would fight against the Empire.
Vasi 15, 1142
I've come across groups of these Excisors, it seems that Xauthol is their intended target. Do I follow my orders or do I follow my teachings?
Khathi 7, 1142
Others feel the same as I. We will do what we can to help the city. An entire city can not be consigned to death simply because they fought against us.
Khathi 16, 1142
I am the only survivor. We fought but they were simply too many. I never thought I'd be leading a charge against those blasted cannons. We were always elated when the thunder began and it was so different when it was aimed at us instead. I've sequestered as many civilians as I can within the city. When the final charge comes, I will do what I can. Even from within the walls, I can hear their chanting.
Khathi 17, 1142
There was no charge. They did not kill us all like the orders said they would. When the chanting finished, the city was moved. To where I do not know.
Cyra 1, 1142
There is no sun here. There is no order as instead of working together, those that lived here fell to chaos. And worst, there is no answer to prayer. The gods, my goddess, do not hear us, wherever this is.
Alawyn 1, 1143
There are evils far worse than I could imagine lurking in the caverns outside of this one. I've heard rumors from others that were excised here that there are many caverns connected by portals like what sent us here. And each one is its own special form of hell. Are we in the Hells? I do not know.
Alawyn 40, 1143
Xuone has abandoned us. I do not know what fate meets those that die here, but I no longer believe I will see her when I die. I do not want to die. I do not...
The young scion of House Rossia revealed that hsi father wishes to gain the relic to " drop down rocks" on the other houses. He has asked the party, ala me as well, to prevent that and remove his father form power. They asked for more money, thats funny, totally disregarding the live that would be saved- respectable but brutal.

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  1. It was Dark
  2. Awaken In the Dark