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73 LF 1676

To Bright Oaks,

by Murgoza Bright Oaks

Bright Oaks,
It has been longer than I'd realized since I last last saw you all. Already my birthday has passed and I have completed the trials for the Grey Order. Initiation was today, and we've received our orders for our lodge. From now on, any letters should be sent to the village of Stendel, and they'll forward them to our lodge from there.
I must admit, I find myself more and more excited for this new turn in my life. I know my decision was met with trepidation (I'm looking at Lani and Mellow specifically), but already I am stronger than when I began and the growth in my abilities has me filled with determination.
I do not know when I will see you all again, and for that, my heart aches. My correspondence may also become spotty, as we are expected to get to work the moment we arrive, but know each of you occupy my every waking thought and I hope in all things to do you all proud.
With love and joy,

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  1. To Bright Oaks,
    73 LF 1676
  2. Bright Oaks,
    30 WF 1676