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Murgoza Bright Oaks
The Romantic

Neutral Good -> Neutral -> Neutral Evil Half-Orc (Entertainer)
Bard 7
85 / 85 HP

A half-orc raised by the famous Bright Oaks Bardic Troupe. Her greatest pleasure is seeing those around her filled with joy and song.

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30 WF 1676

Bright Oaks,

by Murgoza Bright Oaks

Bright Oaks,
I feel as though I looked up after only a moment, and yet already Giftsgiving approaches, and I apologize that this letter will most likely be delayed to you as the snows have already begun. So, so much has occured and the me of my last letter would not recognize the me of today. I have grown significantly. Thankfully for me, not in height, as I believe Lani would shrivel away if I had to bend double to look directly in his eyes as Mellow must. It seems as though every ten-day I learn some new trick or spell that bolsters my skills. I wonder sometimes what my child-self would think, should she see me now. I hope it is pride. I hope I can measure to my own expectations.
My lodge is small, the guild has seen better days and seems to have more growing enemies by the day. Still, in all this, my cohorts have weaseled into a not insignificant spot in my affections. They are messy. We are messy. Messier sometimes than all the messes I've seen and fixed with you all, and yet still, I adore them. I am not always sure about our actions, and often I feel as though we are travelling down paths that we cannot return from, and yet through all things we have continued to take each other in hand and find our way. We have each made mistakes since this season started, myself included, and yet I feel us grow together as ivy in a trellis. I hope we can continue to climb to new heights.
I confess, I initially found myself skeptical of the effectiveness of our lodge-head as a leader, and his second-in-command still leaves me on edge despite our recent daily training together. They have been through much however, and I can imagine they find themselves skeptical at this batch of new recruits and their messes. I certainly would be.
I wonder sometimes if I am still the same woman I was when I last wrote to you all. I admit, I am unsure. I have seen things beyond understanding and reason. I have, first hand, experienced things I would have scoffed as fiction as even a small child; the likes of which I cannot even write upon this page knowing how much more the truth would destress you rather than my simple vagaries. I wonder sometimes if I recognize the version of myself that stands before me, and if many of you would even know me for my face. Still, I am in good enough health, and the parts that are not good are healing well.
Heaviness aside, I have a request. Recently in our expeditions we seem to have picked up someone I'm sure you would all welcome. A young lad with 17 years under his belt with a not insignificant level of talent in the arts. I expect your days have not been Quiet, for they have rarely been in all my memory, but I believe in the good working with, and learning from you all would do him an incredible good. I'd officially like to ask that at least the troupe sponsor him to Thaymore, if not take him in apprenticeship during his off seasons. I have a soft spot for him, ridiculous as he can be, and it is my hope we can help him grow as we did for Reeve and Ismay, and as you all have done for me.
Remember the me you have known and keep the me you recall at the forefront of your minds. Know I keep all of you in my heart and mind, and though I cannot see you all for Giftsgiving, and my gifts to you all will be late, know I will sing for you into the fires, as I know you will do for me.
Happy Giftsgiving and all my love,

Murgoza's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. To Bright Oaks,
    73 LF 1676
  2. Bright Oaks,
    30 WF 1676

The major events and journals in Murgoza's history, from the beginning to today.

Its not often of late that I get the chance to dress for fashion, rather than function. I miss it.

04:51 am - 29.01.2023

i wrotted you a lore but i eated it

02:21 am - 06.11.2022

Bright Oaks,

Bright Oaks, I feel as though I looked up after only a moment, and yet already Giftsgiving approaches, and I apologize that this letter will most likely be delayed to you as the snows have already begun. So, so much has occured and the me of my last l...

11:59 am - 31.10.2022

To Bright Oaks,

Bright Oaks, It has been longer than I'd realized since I last last saw you all. Already I have completed the trials for the Grey Order. Initiation was today, and we've received our orders for our lodge. From now on, any letters should be sent to ...

11:14 am - 31.10.2022

lots of internal screaming

01:37 am - 18.10.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Murgoza.

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Other Characters by 0cty_Warren