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14 of March 138 BC

To my Sweetheart

by Inixbis

I can’t believe I’ve had to resort to writing you a letter, but I’m reminded of you so often now that I can’t help it. Remember when you asked me to make a soul bond? I regret not taking you up on it. If I ever knew how bad things would become I would have done it. But that’s not what I want this letter to be about. I don’t want to focus on my regrets, I want to leave my light in this letter.
You were the first person I loved, in a way that I thought I couldn’t achieve. I never knew what it meant to love someone unconditionally until I got to know you. Your dreams and goals were in your eyes, and every time I looked I could have sworn I saw my place in them. Truth be told, I think that’s what drew me in first. Your eyes are something, truly made by the divine, even now after all this time. I think I can still see them when I look up at the night sky. The true object of my fascination though is your heart. Yes, I know ew so cheesy, you’re probably rolling your eyes, but let me gush for a minute. One of us has to be the romantic one in this relationship. I don’t know how your friends can’t see it, but your heart shines through you often. I kept thinking I should find a way to keep it to myself, so other people don’t touch it. But you wouldn't have wanted that. When you help people, complete a challenge that would trip up most, that self-satisfied smirk you sometimes wear, arguing with Alar, and, selfishly, the way you softened when we were alone. It’s those moments I see the most, I’ve woken up a few times expecting to see you next to me. Waking up next to you was grace, I wasn’t worthy of, it was those experiences, not the celestials, that showed me that gods do exist.
As a cleric, I was expected to swear myself to a higher being to follow, but I already swore to two. Our ancestors and you. I couldn’t follow the path of our ancestors, not that I wanted to, so I knew I was going to follow you. I can’t tell you how happy I was when you asked me to come with you. I know I wasn’t helpful all the time but I really did have a good time. Traveling with you and your friends, thank you for letting me be a part of it. Even though it ended so tragically, I’d give anything to have it back. But we both know that can’t happen. So I want to say thank you: for holding both of us up in our relationship, for not letting me go even though I dragged you down, for letting me depend on you, for holding my hand, for loving me, for making my heartache.
Thank you for giving me the happiest years of my life. I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to repay it.

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  1. To my Sweetheart
    14 of March 138 BC
  2. The First Dream
    14th of March 138 BC