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Mon 10th Jul 2023 01:41

Ghostbusting or After-life Therapy

by Spixi Longbonk

Most recently one of our crew was informed of a series of grave robberies happening on the Rock of Bral. Lottie decided to research the robberies a little bit on her own and ended up a little over her head when she woke up walking out of an alley without any of her belongings. The captain insists that we remain on leave and we do not do any work that would be considered "crew jobs" while we are docked and on leave. This means that the crew was not instructed to pursue the matter of the robberies and that, unfortunately for Lottie, quite a few of us already had jobs lined up on the Rock while we were docked. Laylin decided to go with Lottie to the graveyard to investigate and it became clear that what happened to Lottie was more mystical than we had believed.
A ghost took control of Laylin's body and attacked Lottie. Lottie was able to let us know that she needed help but unfortunately no one was able to get there fast enough to prevent the battle. When we arrived we found both Lottie and Laylin unconcious in the graveyard. That night Laylin was visited again by the ghost and it became apparent that the ghost wanted all of the beings living on the Rock to leave and it planned to use Laylin's vulumptuous form in order to achieve this goal. We found out that the ghost's name was Moon-River in a previous life and that her nomadic space tribe stumbled upon the area of Bral long before it was seperated from its original planet. She was injured and asked to be buried facing the sun rise. Her body was a part of the chunk of ground that seperated from Erstia and became the Rock of Bral. She was furious that the lovely ground had been desecrated by more dead and stated that she felt like the people walking along the surface were ants crawling over her skin in the afterlife.
We tried to reason with her, telling her that it was too late for the rock to go back to the way it was before people settled here. However, no matter how much our words of truth made her light flicker, she was still determined to rid the rock of inhabitants and it became clear that her way of thinking was naive and rather innocent. In order to show this intention she decided to possess MY body to try to attack Laylin while she was attempting to reason with her. I believe that her taking over my body was purely an act of desperation and that she did not really intend to be rejected by Laylin. When she took posession I was already asleep (Laylin often sleeps in my room) so I was easy prey.
Being possessed is a terrifying experience, but not until after the fact. While you are possessed you have no conciousness. You cannot think because it is not your conciousness that is inhabiting your own mind. The idea that something could cause me to lose myself so easily is terrifying and honestly this experience has shown me that I cannot be too careful when it comes to self-preservation. I assumed I was safe in my own room, on our ship. However my mind was overtaken and I was forced to attack people I care about. Working at the guild hall has been very beneficial and I know that it shall continue to be as I start doing research on ways I can protect my mind from the invasion of outside sources.
Moon-River was stealing items and hiding them in the hopes of scaring people away and thought with Laylin's body she would be able to bewitch the people to leave on their own rather than needing to kill them. Personally when I heard her plan, I felt so sorry for her. She clearly was awakened by something we, the inhabitants, were doing to the rock. I wanted her to be able to rest and hoped we would be able to find her remains and transport them to a place where she could rest in peace. She didn't seem to keen on the idea of leading the rock since she had fallen in love with the area when alive, so we decided to take her to visit someone who had helped us before to see if we could rest her soul or come up with a solution that would help her without killing people.
We made a mistake by taking her to La'Luc. The thought was that as a mystic he may be able to help her soul to rest or instruct us on what was needed in order to do so. When we entered with the ghost La'Luc indicated his glee that we brought him a snack and promptly "ate" her? Absorbed her soul into his being? We are not quite sure what exactly has happened to her soul now and the crew (the Captain in particular) is a bit sad at the idea that we couldn't help her recapture the sense of beauty and wonder she had when she first encountered the land she fell in love with. I hope that by "eating" the ghost, La'Luc was able to put her to rest. Perhaps the next ghost we meet we will be able to help more effectively.

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