14 July 2120


by Aryn Martin

Earthquake last night, 02.00. Asked Gittins about if he had any information on it in the morning, and he said I shouldn't think much of it, but that he would put down some more survey beacons to keep track of tectonic activity in the area. Gave him (5) of the Model-J's to get a mining operation started.
Medical training with Banks in the morning on blunt-force trauma, lacerations, and other earthquake-related injuries. Good information, and it's good that other people are aware of things that might be hazardous.
Got into an argument with Watercress in the mess because he was using Synth slurs.
- Escalated the situation to Thatcher because we were making a scene. I got to her first and explained the situation: if people start comparing the Working Joes (or the K-Models) to replicants, we are in some SERIOUS SHIT as a community. If the group looses the ability to see the Synths as tools and starts to view them as murder machines, we're going to loose our workforce, and then we're going to loose the colony. It'll crumble from the foundations if we aren't careful.
- Thatcher wasn't responsive. Fucking suit.
- Thatcher sided with Watercress and let him walk away as a bigot with his head held high. Fucking suit.
- She threw me a bone so that I couldn't leave saying she didn't do anything for me. FUCKING SUITS WITH THEIR GODDAMN CONFLICT RESOLUTION SEMINARS. I took the same fucking course when I signed on for Seegson -- I bet she doesn't even care that I know all the same words and tricks.
- She's letting me setup a sensitivity training to at least try and get ahead of the social problem with the rest of the community... she said I had to make it optional attendance and that I had to make it online *facedesk*
Kept being pissed for a while and decided not to go out with the field team (Artemis). Couldn't stand being around Thatcher and Watercress. Started setting up a command center and a job board instead -- might as well do something useful, and nobody else around here is getting infrastructure setup. Asked Moon for help with coordinating the military communication aspects of CECOM. She doesn't talk much, works quick, and knows her stuff -- I like her.
As soon as we got the relay setup and got data moving between CECOM and the Artemis shuttle, it was clear that shit had already hit the fan. ON DAY FUCKING THREE. A/V from the IRC Mk.50 suits showed that the ground team all had the visors down -- Watercress was waist-deep in a stream, and there was some kind of reptile on the shore. Had a swarm of native bugs all over it, and welts that were bleeding... ordered the crew to get helmets on IMMEDIATELY, but several of the ground team were exposed before the order went through. Should never have had a team in the field without a command center setup. Stupid.
Several of the crew seem to have eggs or something implanted in their skin from the stings/bites. Watched a sample taken by Banks from out of Thatcher -- teardrop shaped, almost like an ingrown hair. FUCKING SUIT.
Crew got on the shuttle successfully and dusted off without much more trouble, but I'm enacting quarantine protocol, and I'm going to get the Marines to help me enforce it -- Moon saw all the same shit that I did, she should be on the same page.
Fucking day three. Welcome to Enoch.

Continue reading...

  1. BoundlessHorizons_NewBeginnings.txt
    12 July 2120
  2. BoundlessHorizons_Sunrise.txt
    13 July 2020
  3. BoundlessHorizons_Artemis.txt
    14 July 2120
  4. BoundlessHorizons_Quarantine.txt
    14 July 2120