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The Taint

by Gnarlis Forest Walker

night 5
a woman is calling out to me for help but the darkness seem to want me away say i cant help.
the druid has given me a potion for sound sleep. peaceful sleep through the rest of the night.
Day 6
memories of the dreams linger in my mind as i walk to the turquoise tavern for breakfast. We visited Elizabeth and found the body sucked dry by a vampire, the inspected the farms for miss livestock and looked at the wall for holes. we proceeded to fens moms apothecary, then head to the crypts we encountered multiple cultists within the crypts, empty coffins, the door were very very sturdy. we found 2 young twin elven girls who lead us to loot.
we found 2 +1 chain mail shirts, defender shield, 3 scale-mails, 4 long swords, 2 maces, 3 long bows w/ quiver 10 arrows each 5 short bows, great-sword, in the chest 56 copper, 16 silver, 8 gold, 5 in dia. warm red pulsing gem, 3 warm red potions, 1 golden potion, 1 purple potion, 1 pearlesent potion, 1 pale blue potion, healers kit. after we made our way out of the tainted district we take the kids to the turquoise tavern to feed us all. children are named Veleena=rogue. Vivian quieter. after delivering them to elizabeth
night 6
mystia visited the night before. she reaches for me fading, shes trying to protect me.
Day 7
got some breakfast, and sell our wares . afterwards we found kyler riverlight, visited fens step mom ( she hurt me i dont like her)
rlyevena riverlight
hidden studio= lost, broken, hidden
last painting= tiefling, woman
know who killed you= no
tiefling is the mistress= unknown
do you have anything of note for us= what was lost has been found, whispering shadows, mournful cries, there your answer lie.

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  1. The Beginning
    2/25/315 A.S.
  2. new island
    3/3/315 A.S.
  3. The Taint
  4. Rain and Suffering