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2/25/315 A.S.

The Beginning

by Gnarlis Forest Walker

2/22/315 A.S.
With the feeling deep inside of me louring me to the ship, I must stow away if i'm too see where this leads me. So far no one has notices i'm here, I've taken to hiding among the cargo towards the back. Only sneaking above deck during the night when most of the crew is asleep.
2/23/315 A.S.
There is a storm on the horizon, even being below deck you can smell it in the air. the sea is becoming rough. The ship is being thrashed about by the waves, its becoming nauseating, but I must hold strong. I've been taking food from the galley when no one is around.
2/24/315 A.S.
The storm is getting worse, the crew has started to clear water from the bilge, but it doesn't seem to be helping. The ship is filling faster then they can remove it. i fear the worse at this point. what am i suppose to do now, was this all for naught. time will tell i just need to keep faith in what drew me here.
2/25/315 A.S.
The crew look ready to break, the storm hasn't broken yet. It's only gotten worse. I'm afraid I might not make it.....

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  1. The Beginning
    2/25/315 A.S.
  2. new island
    3/3/315 A.S.
  3. The Taint
  4. Rain and Suffering