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Mon 17th Aug 2020 12:19

An Outlook on the State of Affairs

by Jailer Cornelius Vater

Dearest Esteria,
I write to you bearing news of my own endeavors. Through the actions of my companions and myself, I believe I have committed a great sin against my fellow man. In our travels; as I have taken it upon myself to bear reasonable responsibility, the All-Mother of the Volturan Cathedral has been slain by my hand. A merciful death granted in the presence of her most loyal followers: The Paladin, Barnabus Jovar and Enna Brightwood, a sister of the cathedral and named successor of the late all-mother. I work now to deliver her to her rightful position within the Volturan hierarchy as its sister denomination would have me do. I write this letter to you knowing that I bear a great conflict within my soul as our travels uncover dark secrets unbeknownst to the common man. We travel in the company of one who has a stark hatred of the Volturan faith. It presents itself apparent that she may have links with forces whose interest is antithetical to our own. In that regard, Why do I not eliminate her? In light of recent events, reason dictates that I should not for the time being. Due to what has transpired in the attempted ascension of the All-Mother's heir apparent, I can only be certain that the Volturan clergy has buried many of its secrets. Secrets I cannot simply ignore.
And in my lack of foresight, I find myself at the epicenter of a great tragedy. Word will eventually reach you in time of the great destruction. I am sending this message as to inform you that I have not succumbed to the great tragedy. I will return to you as soon as my duties allow.
Sincerely, and in remembrance of our sacred vows,
Your Dearest Cornelius.
P.S. Send Word to Wallace and his family to prepare for evacuation. I send you my love, hoping that it shall protect you.

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