Fri 8th Sep 2023 09:27

Leaving the Tribe

by Bellor Stormcaller

It is time to leave. We have been discussing this journey for some time and it is up to me to answer the call of my people. The dream, I hope I can help those of the other races understand what the Storm Mother showed me. There is danger ahead on the horizon and we must come together if we are to weather this storm.
I do wonder, who are these kin the mother speaks of? Are they her young? Others of the Storm? Maybe I will find my answer in this journey. For now, I start this memoir away from my tribe as a record to understand what is beyond our mountains. My hope, that my writings will show those not only of my fellow Orcs that we can work with the other races, but that the other races need not shy away from us as we can help them grow stronger and as one people, prosper.