Bellor Stormcaller | World Anvil

Bellor Stormcaller

Lawful Neutral Orc (Folk Hero)
Sorcerer 1
8 / 8 HP

Campaign & Party

Fri 12th Jan 2024 01:51

Touching the Elements

by Bellor Stormcaller

Today I have discovered something new as we journey further to the south. In my fatigue I fell into a deep sleep and dreamed of my days as a child in the frozen lands of my people. IN the dream, I sit before a small fire and look up and around me, the elements of the lands can be seen as I turn.
First, as I look toward my left, there the Mother Sea's tides roll in and out. The ice tries to form along the shore, but the waves keep it from turning solid and instead create a muddy mixture of snow and sand. As I look out into the slush filled wake of waves, the fin of the Ice Serpent can be seen gently rising and falling in the waves. As I take a step into the water the creature comes up to me an begins circling around my legs. In my mind I can hear the words of the lands speak to me "I am water, let me flow through your power".
I find myself back at the campfire and look to the right. There I can see the great Blood Stone mountains, their rocky crags reaching towards the skies. As I begin to climb, I can feel the rumble beneath my hands and feet as I pull myself up towards the summit. Soon, I stumble across the nest of the Rock Worm, a creature known for its hard skin that only the strongest of our people seek to conquer. Laying within the nest is a mother, wrapped around her eggs. As she looks up I can hear the words of the lands speak once again, "I am earth, let me strengthen your power."
I blink and the fire sits before me again. As I hear the wind behind me, I turn and step out onto the Storm Grasslands and make my way in the direction of Great Roc Mountain. The wind picks up and I struggle again the blinding rain, the howling gusts, and the thunder that tries to destroy my ear. Among the gusts of wind I peak out to catch the direction and the wings of a Thunder Hawk flap before me. Each flap threatens to knock me down but I stand strong again the force of nature. "I am wind, let me fill you with power." An extremely power gust blows me backwards and
I sit before the fire again, poking the coals with a stick. I now look straight ahead to the lands beyond and they seem to be dark. That way lies my people, war, and the lands beyond. Puzzled, I do not know why I wish not to step that way, but as I wonder I can feel a warmth curl around my leg. I reach down and begin to pet the cat that now lays beneath me. As I look down it is no longer the creature I found among the ruins, but made of the flames before me. The warmth does not hurt and she leans into my hand more. "I am flame, rlease me with your power."

Bellor's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Leaving the Tribe
    08 Sep 2023 09:27:20
  2. Remembering the Path
    11 Sep 2023 10:11:31
  3. The Journey Into the Land
    19 Sep 2023 07:25:20
  4. The Iron Jaw Chief
    16 Dec 2023 02:09:10
  5. The Traveler, the Shepard, and the Storm
    23 Dec 2023 01:57:35
  6. Touching the Elements
    12 Jan 2024 01:51:18

The major events and journals in Bellor's history, from the beginning to today.

I am Bellor Stormcaller - Sihe of the Thunder Tribe!

01:00 am - 30.12.2023

Session 7: "The Gauntlet of Lucis"

08:55 pm - 11.12.2023

Session 7: "The Gauntlet of Lucis"

08:55 pm - 11.12.2023

Session 6: "To Lucis"

04:38 am - 04.11.2023

Session 6: "To Lucis"

04:38 am - 04.11.2023

Session 5: "The Dokan Lands"

04:41 am - 28.10.2023

Session 5: "The Dokan Lands"

04:41 am - 28.10.2023

Session 4: "The Pull"

04:57 am - 15.10.2023

Session 4: "The Pull"

04:57 am - 15.10.2023

Session 4: "The Pull"

04:56 am - 15.10.2023

Session 3: "What Demons Are These?"

08:39 pm - 30.09.2023

Session 3: "What Demons Are These?"

11:36 pm - 29.09.2023

Session 3: "What Demons Are These?"

11:35 pm - 29.09.2023

Session 1: "The Volunteers"

03:59 am - 16.09.2023

Session 1: "The Volunteers"

03:59 am - 16.09.2023

Session 2: "Up a River Without a Paddle"

03:58 am - 16.09.2023

Session 2: "Up a River Without a Paddle"

03:58 am - 16.09.2023

A good life brings us to death. A good death brings us to life. This is our circle. This is our way.

11:56 pm - 15.09.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Bellor.