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22nd of Vlez, Year 865

22nd of Vlez, Year 865

by Thymeros Grispira

When we woke up, we backtracked to the where the symbol of death was and got through. We took the keystone with us to keep our back covered. We continued onward and found a room filled with magma, a chest, and a baby cloud dragon held captive. The chest apparently contained something that Caliah said “called” to her. Through some sailor skill/ingenuity and the use of Mage Hand, I was able to shimmy over the magma, get the chest open, recover a magical trident, and rescue the dragon. That room taken care of, we continued onward until we came to another hallway. This led to a door, which turned out to not be a door but a mimic, which tried to EAT ME!!! My friends killed it, saved my sorry red ass, and helped me loot the room the mimic was guarding. We continued onward, and came across a pair of creepy looking doors depicting symbolism of Zon-Kuthon (according to Harold anyway). We entered and almost immediately squared off with a drider. During the fight, each of us ended up facing off with tortured, twisted, demonic versions of ourselves. They were easy enough to defeat, and I ended up getting the killing blow on the drider. We then turned our attention to the altar looking thing, and the black sphere on top. This sphere, according to Harold, is an all-seeing orb, and could supposedly break down the barriers between planes (in this case the material and shadow planes). We wrapped it in my coat and Caladrel mage-handed the bundle up. And that was when the cavern started to collapse. We hauled ass out of there, and the whole fortress was also collapsing. We managed to escape, and then made camp.

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