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30th of Vlez, Year 865

30th of Vlez, Year 865

by Thymeros Grispira

We met with the Empress today, along with her bodyguard Acera Drosil, Baron Darvon Mithanrel (Ifrit, Baron of Miran), Lady Chotra Mythid (Sea elf, Lady of Trion). We debriefed with her and gave her the black orb. Turns out, this thing is a "dimensional anchor" and apparently a big enough one to bring about the end of the world. Lovely. We got paid for our job and got a new offer. This job is actually a trial run to become agents of the Empress (which comes with some nice perks). Sirens are causing trouble for the town of Trion. So, we need to go investigate the problem and either solve it or report back with any intelligence we gathered. Caliah had a very strong reaction to this news of sirens causing trouble. After this meeting, Caliah and I, both wielding weapons that have a connection to Gozreh, decided to hold our weapons together as Zarzuket (the blue-haired gnome cleric of Gozreh from the temple) suggested to me, they started to hum, then glow, and then when our weapons touched, thunder rumbled, and lightning crackled. I got the feeling of dark night surrounding me. I heard a woman's voice (soft in volume, but still with a hard edge) say "Ah, there he is." I get the feeling that given our chosen weapons (Caliah wielding a trident that almost certainly was wielded by Gozreh, and I wielding a rifle that supposedly used to belong to Gozreh's quartermaster- and thus, pre-dating the existence of firearms in the world) Caliah and I may be bound together in our future adventures; she as a healer and I as her "guardian angel."
After this little discovery, we all decided that a pub crawl was in order. We first went back to the House of Simple Pleasures to pack for our trip (and I invited Meara to join us for the pub crawl). We first went to the Divine Fields, where Kronk fought in the ring and won quite handily, making Caliah and I each 100 gold richer, and Harold 50 gold poorer (which I felt he deserved since he tried to rig the fight against Kronk). After that, we went to the Bubbling Cauldron. Kronk had a drink that changed him into a halfling for an hour. Meara seemed to be immensely enjoying herself (I'll have to bring her back sometime). The next bar we went to was the White Woods. Meara and I ran into Brea there and chatted her up a little bit. Right as we were leaving, Kronk's drink wore off and he immediately returned to his full height just in time to smack his forehead with such a forceful thud that I was legitimately worried he had cracked the beam. Next up, Gorum's battlefield. It wasn't really our scene, so we had a round and left. Our final stop before going home was the Tipsy Seaman. We had some rum, Kronk and I played darts. Afterward, we headed back, and Caliah had to part ways with us for some reason.

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  1. The Adventure Begins- 4th of Vlez, Year 865
    4th of Vlez, Year 865
  2. 5th to 16th of Vlez, Year 865
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  3. 17th of Vlez, Year 865
    17th to 18th of Vlez, Year 865
  4. 18th of Vlez, Year 865
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  5. 19th of Vlez, Year 865
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  6. 20th of Vlez, Year 865
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  7. 21st of Vlez, Year 865
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  8. 22nd of Vlez, Year 865
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  9. 23rd to 26th of Vlez, Year 865
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  10. 27th of Vlez, Year 865
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  11. 28th of Vlez, Year 865
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  12. 29th of Vlez, Year 865
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  13. 30th of Vlez, Year 865
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  17. 1st of Ocep, Year 865
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  18. 2nd of Ocep, Year 865
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  19. 4th of Ocep, Year 865
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  20. 5th of Ocep, Year 865
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  22. 10th of Ocep, Year 865
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  23. 11th of Ocep, Year 865
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  24. 12th of Ocep, Year 865
    12th of Ocep, Year 865