When we came to the home town of Menthol Nightstand, we were surprised to find it full of distrusting and haughty individuals. In fact, at the very gate to the city, we were met with doubt by the guards. Ironically, their "adventurer's guild" did reward us quite generously, though I believe that was done not out of the kindness of their hearts, but instead in the hopes to shoo us away. Later on, we - rather, Softpaw - earned the city's distrust by pilfering a weapon out from right beside one of the towns artisans.
During our visit, the big galoot, Goran, was finally cured of his curse, though he nearly killed us all. Luckily, I intervened, though I had to pass through quite a claustrophobic space to do so.
After that, we planned to leave, but Menthol Nightstand recruited us to help in discerning the town's unsavory workings which they'd kept hidden from him. Softpaw and I both snuck back into the city to eavesdrop on the meeting, during which we were nearly revealed; however, we did learn of the nefarious purposes those in power had for the gems.