So Many Bugbears by Sacyra | World Anvil

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Mon 7th Sep 2020 06:00

So Many Bugbears

by Sacyra Savari

Dear Kosil
I am writing to you from the middle of a cave infested with bugbears. Just when we think we probably got them all more come. Bugbears must breed like rabbits, I don’t know where they are all coming from. Don’t worry, it is not like I am taking time out from the battle to write to you while everyone else is still fighting for their lives, you can’t get away with that more than once. I am waiting for the paladins and our new elf fighter friend to finish setting some traps for our smelly friends so that we do not get surrounded on all sides. It was my heroic idea, pretty brilliant right?
We wanted to come in the cave through the back way, there is a secret door through the minotaur cave. Remember that, I write to you about it before I am pretty sure. Well I tried to tell Erevan about the mind-altering cave and we didn’t know if that was caused by the cave itself or the minotaur inside. So now that the minotaur’s head is on display in the keep, oh how is your new drinking horn by the way? Do you like it? Anyway, the minotaur is dead so we can test out the cave. We decided to tie a rope around Erevan’s waist and push him in to see if he felt funny. He said that fapping birds are still there and his head really did feel funny. We of course pulled him out, and didn’t get attacked by those fapping birds. Ohhh…. What if the mind-altering stuff is actually the fapping birds or the fumes from their poo? It doesn’t matter if the minotaur is alive, because he wasn’t the one making everyone see things. Thoughts?
We had to quickly abandon the plan to go through the back, and instead entered the cave through the front. I was busy sneaking towards the prison area where we freed some people and other orc friends the last time, but unbeknownst to me, the paladin had alerted some bugbears in the gong room to our presence. The alarm was sounded before they managed to deal with those guards. Three bugbears came down the stairs towards me, and three more down the stairs behind me. We had to split up to deal with them. This is where it would be handy to have a wizard around, and what hero group wouldn’t have a wizard? Of course, we have a wizard! Sarkin (our wizard, try to keep up) trapped the bugbears on my stairway with a web. This allowed us to poke at them at our convenience. We didn’t finish them off until Sarkin had another three bugbears trapped in another web down the stairs from us and the other group had joined up with us after killing their foes. Gorefang showed me his new wound but seemed a little displeased that he had to accept healing from an elf. Healed by an elf is better than dead, he couldn’t argue with that. I didn’t have any wounds to show him as I may be brave and heroic, I am also fast and impossibly quick so nobody could lay a blade on me. I know they were caught in webs, doesn’t mean I am not fast.
As we moved towards the area the bugbears keep their prisoners, we could hear voices coming from behind us and in front of us in two different directions. Perhaps a trap is advisable was my suggestion and we all agreed. Adokul had some things that would make good traps so he is working on that now under my heroic watchful eye. I better go inspect their work.
Heroic as always,
Sweet Sacyra