Letter to Mother 1 by Eindride | World Anvil

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Sun 26th Jul 2020 02:32

Letter to Mother 1

by Eindride Vihrild

Dearest Mother,
I know You want me to write to you more but, it's hard to get the time. I Do so much traveling, After Leaving Frostborne, and going south to apply all I have studied to the World, to bring law and justice, and protect civilliz- [the word is scribbled out] civali- [more scribbles] People, and all that is Good and Holy in this world. You know what I am talking About.
I Miss home, and the snow, and You and Father. How is he? I did not want to leave when I Did- It was too hard to see him in bed, Coughing, sicker than I had ever seen him, unable to Eat... but I was told by the temple that I had to take the journey Out into the world, Finally... I am still sorry, even though you tell me not to be. I know you and Inkari can take Care of him but I Wish I could do more. I wish I could heal but that is not what Svipul Blesses me With. That is not how Tyr formed my hands- he formed them to Smite Evil. And I will if it means You All will be safe. If it means All People in this world will be safe.
I Miss You All. But here with Me is a piece of home- I rescued a beautiful Wolfe from a dark Cultist dungun. She is beautiful- Greye, and brown. I named her Daisy. I do not Know where the name came from- but she is as beautiful as a Flowere. Perhaps you will meet her when I come Home, which may be sooner than I assumed.
You see, I am traveling back Yourr way, to Silksumit, on flying ships! You should see suche a sight. There are many dangers Here, and many more I have encountered since- cults, magical Cabins that Disappear, Swamps, and now, Pirates and other dangers I much warde off to protect my Home. I will not give you ful details- I do not want to worry You. But You know already that I will protect my Home, and all that is Good in this world, and so, this new danger is no issue. You can always Counte on Me.
Mother, I hope I see You soone, but If I do not, please, write back and tell me how Father faires. If I could I would write to Everyone but I do not think I have the Time- I will write to Inkeri but Really, I do not thinke Thora and Tove will have time to write me Backe anyway. Give my Love to the youngest Foure, and tell them to watch after their Father too.
I love you Deeply, and I hope you will write Back Soon.
Your Son,
[there is a tear at the bottom of the paper and a good bit of crinkling- presumably from Eindride showing Daisy the letter and her thinking it might be food]

Continue reading...

  1. Letter to Mother 1
  2. Letter to Inkeri 1