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Sat 13th May 2023 10:13

Chapter I

by Soledad de la Fuego Ardiente

After a theft gone wrong the party has been captured by the evil pirate White-Claw and locked in his brig. Can they escape in time before their goose gets cooked?
Rolled Slight of hand prior to the start of session to bring two items from my sheet with me: knife and lockpicks.
The ship that the party are locked-up in is the Sabretooth; a Man-0'War, the flagship of Captain White-Claw.
Lucielle cast illusion of a siren song to distract guard.
Ligaya slipped her chains via Misty Step after summoning her Warlock blade.
Mezrathyn slipped via wild shape, by turning into a cat and retrieving the keys to the cell.
Unfortunately, the guard became aware and alerted the rest of the ship's crew.
Several members of the Sabretooth's crew were fought in the escape.
After giant strength-ing to fight the Swashbuckler, Soledad broke through the wall to the main section of the ship where the cannons are mounted.
Soledad blew a hole in the deck and mast by firing a cannon from their ship upwards.
Lucielle set the top deck on fire with a lightning bolt.
Mezrathyn located the lost map with locate object and Soledad ripped open a way to the Captain's quarters.
Looted from Captain White-Claw's quarters:
Chest and both tables of the captain's quarters were looted, and the Captains weapon (which was taken directly from his hand)
Cartographers tools
During the looting a trap was triggered that poisoned Mezrathyn. She is currently paralyzed until the effects wear off.
The Sabretooth is at best severely crippled, if not destroyed. The only survivor of the ship was Captain White-Claw and some non-combatant deckhands who were attempting to save the ship.
Note: Our First mate has some sort of magic pistol.
Note: There were injuries and some overboards, but every member of the Dahlia was able to make it back to the ship.
Note: The Sabretooth has a room with a conspiracy board that included charts pointing to the Frostborn Mountains.

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