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Sat 10th Jun 2023 07:24

Chapter III

by Soledad de la Fuego Ardiente

Town is built on the mountain. Need to climb stairs up the mountatin from the docks down below
Commotion was occuring when we got to port
Otherwise very orderly
Commotion is a bunch of dwarves protesting the Castilians
Hey O - Hey O - the Reds have got to go!
Deal has lord mayors permission - straight from the king
Order of Master Shipwrights uhappy with the "deal"
Crown trying to sidestep the guild
Tor Oakmaster of clan Oakmaster -
"Mithril cradel" Tavern/Inn where Castilian are at
The captain was attacked by illusion monkeys
This illusion then spread and other people could see the monkey
A dwarf named Grover came and dispelled the illusion
Grover is the apprentice of Whurdbin Seasteel - Illusionist
Struck a deal with Tor to help with the removal of an Earth Elemental
We had a grand night drinking with the dwarves!
Headed down into the tunnels
Mez sang a song in primordial
The elemental said
We asked if the elemental could take us to the taint so that we could help
We followed the elemental who presented itself as a crack in the stone
We followed this for a time umtil a certain point the crack became wider to allow entry. Mez entered the cave
I do now know that she found a cursed item in a box in the cave. This is the taint - she grabbed the item and the cave began to collapse
End episode

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