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1st of Cuersaar

The second dream

by Zailith

Compared to the dreams from the pies, it’s very sharp and more vivid. Can remember a lot more context and feelings.
Sat on a ledge, high up in the mountains. Must have climbed up. With two others - that I recognise. Seen them before, but didn’t recognise them before. Have known them for a long time: Ashryn Silverlight & Amrandir Hazelbrook. Both are monks. An argument is going on between them. Zailith is listening.
Amrandier is proposing a risky course of action, but Ashryn is against it - doesn’t want Zailith involved. It’s a good natured argument, but there’s an edge. Ashryn is getting anxious about Amrandir’s focus.
This is the second time they’d had this conversation (from a day or two before). Had come up to the mountain for privacy and to not involve everyone else. This is Amrandir’s place.
Zailith can understand Ashryn’s point of view, but he can see where Amrandir is coming from. Amrandir wouldn’t be proposing this if he didn’t think it was vital. Zailith feels inclined to support Amrandir.
Not afraid of the two coming to blows. Amrandir has been thinking of this for a long time and won’t change his mind. Ashryn is still trying to work through it, but initially is against it. Ashryn is more likely to change her mind.
Zailith remembers all three have known each other since their earliest days of their training (Cobalt Reserve in Church of Ioun). Once the training ended, Ashryn and Zailtih left the monastery to go their own way. Amrandir remained, rising through the ranks as a monk and scholar.
His plan is not sanctioned by the church. Official channels are not doing anything, but he believes something must be done.
Mentions Tholis - both cooked up this plan together.

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  1. The First dream
    21st of Quen'pillar
  2. The second dream
    1st of Cuersaar
  3. The third dream
    6th of Cuersaar
  4. The fourth dream
    10th of Cuersaar
  5. Zailith in the Plane of Ash
    13th of Cuersaar