A brief interview with Yula by Yula | World Anvil
Wed 24th Nov 2021 03:59

A brief interview with Yula

by Yula

Family and Childhood
1)What were you like as a child?

Yula was smaller.
2) Do you come from a large or small family?
3) Did you have to grow up fast?
Yula thinks so.. yes.
4) Do you want to grow up to be like your parents?
Yula has none.
5) Do you want kids someday?
6) What did your parents expect from you when you were born?
Yula has none!
7) What smells remind you of your childhood?
Yula remembers lots of smells!
8) As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Yula wanted to be free! Yula wants all Kenku to be free!
9) Do you have any nicknames?
Yula is Yula.
Personality and Appearance
10) What’s your worst habit?
Yula doesn’t have one!
11) What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Yula does not have a pet!
12) Are you a planner, or more spontaneous?
Yula does what she wants!
13) Do you control your emotions, or do your emotions control you?
Yula is not controlled! Yula does what she wants!
14) What do you do to feel better when you’re sad?
Yula talks to Hilduk and Sister! Yula isn’t sad anymore!
15) Where do you go when you’re angry?
Yula stabs what makes her angry, then she isn’t angry anymore!
16) What is something that makes you truly happy?
Yula is happy with Hilduk and Sister!
17) If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
Yula will help free Father so he can free all the Kenku!
18) Where do you feel safe?
Yula feels safe with Hilduk and with Sister and in small places she can hide.
19) How do you deal with being sick? Are you stoic, or super whiny?
Yula doesn’t show sickness. Sickness is weakness. Weakness gets Yula hurt.
20) Do you have any self doubts?
21) You see a huge spider in your room. What do you do?
Yula will eat it and share it with Hilduk!
22) Is there a word or phrase you use often?
Yula uses lots of words!
23) Do you think you’re attractive?
Yula has good feathers with lots of shinies!
24) Do you have a strong sense of style?
Yula puts shinies in her feathers!
25) Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Is there any significance behind them?
Sister gave Yula a mark on her neck, it helps Yula when she needs it!
26) Do you have any scars? How did you get them?
Yula’s feathers hide her scars!
27) Tell me about your first kiss.
28) Are you in a relationship right now, if so, with who?
29) What would be your ideal date?
30) Can you tell when someone is flirting with you?
31) What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to someone you loved?
What does love feel like?
32) How do you display affection?
Yula tries not to stab the people she likes.
33) You become aware of somebody that hates you, what would be your reaction?
Yula will get them before they can get her!
34) Would you steal food to feed your family?
Yula will steal food!
Influences and Experiences
35) Have you ever had your heart broken?
When Yula thought Hilduk died she was really sad.
36) What’s the last nightmare you remember having?
Yula thought she saw Olet again.
37) What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
Yula’s necklace is very pretty and shiny! Yula likes shinies! Hilduk used to share his pretty rocks with her. Now Yula shares her shinies with Hilduk!
38) When in your life did you feel hopeless, if ever?
Yula always felt a little hopeless before she met Sister, now Yula has lots of hope!
Past and Future
39) If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change?
None! Yula makes all the decisions she wants now! Yula will make lots of decisions!
40) When was the last time you cried?
Yula doesn’t cry. Crying is weakness. Weakness gets Yula hurt.
41) Have you ever done something that you are/were ashamed of?
42) Have you ever done something you are/were very proud of?
Yula killed Olet!
43) What is something you regret not doing?
Yula should have taken TWO kegs!
44) If you could give your younger self some advice, what would it be?
Yula’s younger self couldn’t listen to older Yula because Olet wouldn’t let her.
45) If you decided to stop adventuring and settle down, what kind of job would you take?
Yula will explore everywhere with Hilduk! Yula will have fun and see everything Yula wants to see and everything Hilduk wants to see! And Yula will keep learning and get stronger to help Father!
46) What do you hope to be remembered for after you’re gone?
Yula wants to be remembered for helping Father and helping all the Kenku and making her own decisions and being shiny!
Likes and Dislikes
47) Are you a cat person or a dog person?
They both taste good!
48) What do you like most about yourself?
Yula doesn’t have to listen anymore!
49) What do you like least about yourself?
Yula isn’t shiny enough!
50) Do you like being the center of attention?
Yula doesn’t know!
51) Do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?
Yula puts shinies in her feathers!
52) Is there a food that most people like that you absolutely hate?
Yula eats anything she can! Yula shares all of her food with Hilduk.
53) Is there a food you love that most others tend to dislike?
Yula eats anything she can! Yula shares all of her food with Hilduk.
54) What’s your favourite colour? Is there a reason it’s your favourite?
Shiny! Yula likes shiny!
Conflict and Motivation
55) Are you more likely to use your fists or your words in an argument?
Yula uses her dagger! Yula stabs hard!
56) Do you have an uncommon or irrational fear? If so, what is it?
Yula is afraid of goblins. Yula is afraid they’ll find her..
57) Are you competitive?
Yula will fight for food for her and Hilduk!
58) What sense do you rely on the most?
Yula needs to see so she can see all her shinies!
59) What is your weapon of choice?
Yula has the dagger Sister gave her! Yula has magic now too!
60) How would you treat someone ‘lesser’ than you?
Yula is lesser. Yula has to fight so Yula isn’t lesser anymore.
61) You catch someone stealing food from you, they say that they can't afford to buy food. What would you do?
Stab them!
62) If you were to get arrested, what would your crime have probably been?
Yula isn’t going to get arrested!
63) You see somebody being robbed on the street, what would you do?
Yula will try get their shinies!
64) Who do you look up to?
Yula is small.. she has to look up a lot.
65) What motivates you to become stronger?
Yula has to get stronger to protect Hilduk and to protect Yula and to help other Kenku and to help Father! Yula is going to help Father and make him happy and then Father will help all the Kenku!
Skills / talents
66) Are you a good liar?
Yes! Yula can lie! Yula can do whatever she wants!
67) What’s something you’re naturally good at?
Mimicking things!
68) What’s something you had to work hard to be good at?
Yula is learning magic so she can help Father!
69) Are you a good cook?
Yula can put meat on fire but fire is bad for her feathers!
70) Do you have any unique skills?
Mimicking things!
71) Are you more of a hoarder or a minimalist?
Yula holds as much as she can! Yula wants all the shinies and food for her and Hilduk!
72) If you have one, what is your most treasured possession?
Yulas Amulet is very special!
73) Reach into your pockets. What are you most likely to pull out?
Shinies and food!
74) If you could have anything in the world, right now, what would it be?
Lots of food and shinies for Yula and Hilduk forever and for all the Kenku to be free like Yula!
Values and Beliefs
75) Do you think money can buy happiness?
Money is shiny! Shiny things make Yula happy!
76) Do you believe in destiny?
Yula believes in Father and Sister!
77) What do you think happens after you die?
You die!
78) Are you superstitious?
79) Can you keep a secret?
Yes! Yula can do anything she wants!
80) Are you a morning person or more of a night owl?
Yula is not an owl!
81) When you go to a tavern, what do you order?
Yula takes food when no one is looking!
82) Would you rather camp outdoors or stay the night in an inn?
Yula is used to outside but inns are nice and warm and Yula likes beds a lot! Beds are soft and warm! Hilduk likes beds too!
Social values
83) What’s the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them?
Yula sees if they have shinies and if they look dangerous to her and Hilduk!
84) Do you give people second chances?
No! Yula stabs them!
85) Is it hard for you to trust someone?
Yula doesn’t trust fast! Trusting too fast puts Yula and Hilduk in danger!
86) Do you admit to mistakes when you make them?
Yula does not make mistakes! Yula does what she wants!
87) Do you love or hate being alone?
Yula is never alone! Yula has Hilduk!
88) Are you afraid to be alone?
Yula does not want to be alone..
89) How do you want others to see you?
Yula wants to be scary so no one tries to hurt her or Hilduk anymore! Yula wants to be really shiny too!
90) Do you think you’re a good person?
Yula does what is good for her and Hilduk!
91) Are you susceptible to peer pressure?
Yula wants your shinies!
92) Are you the kind of person who remembers people’s birthdays and pets’ names and stuff?
Yula doesn’t know what birthdays are! Yula can remember names! Yula is good at remembering names!