Letter Home #1 by Kelt | World Anvil

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24 of Citrine Moon

Letter Home #1

by Kelt Tarrensworn

Dear Mom,
So, this letter is going to be a little late by the time you get it, which - sorry? I meant to write something earlier, but things just kept happening and I haven't been in an actual town since the last time I wrote. Hopefully that should only be a few weeks ago by the time this one gets delivered.
But yeah, I'm not dead! I'm still traveling with that group I wrote about last time, although the kobold, Urlil, isn't with us anymore. She went back to her home city, I think. I figured it'd just be the six of us after that, but we picked up another new person right before we left Whispshadow. His name's Abdulkareem, and he reminds me a bit of a couple of the performers we knew back in the troupe. So I like him so far.
Pest - the tiefling I told you about - I think she's got a crush on him. She's always watching him, and there was this whole thing with her stealing his clothes, but she got pretty defensive when I asked her about it. She's probably shy, 'cause she's all mysterious and distant and stuff with us most of the time too. She's really pretty, though, and she's been nice to the kids we've run into so far, so she's not all grumpy.
Other than all that, I tried teaching Eindride to dance, and Arlyn and I got the group to all hang out and talk - oh yeah, and in the last town we were in, I bought this moonshine from a tavern that I think you'd like! It's really strong - even more than the stuff Gisbert used to always have in his flask - so Dad would probably choke on it if he tried. Somebody in the group always ends up drunk after a couple of sips. But I think I'm traveling with a bunch of lightweights.
Right now, we're on a skyship! It's even more fun than I thought it would be to be up so high, but there hasn't been a lot of time to enjoy it. See, we're here because the captain wanted to hire on guards for a trip to Aspain, and the group was interested in going up that way and getting paid for it. I think they're all crazy - it's cold up there! And there's not a lot going on up there, either.
Or, well, there wasn't last time I wandered up that way. But it seems like something might be going on now. Part of the cargo that the ship we're on is transporting is explosives - they're round black balls that blow up when they're touched, and they're pretty sensitive. We found out that Faykeep is shipping them to Aspain, which makes me worry that there might be some kind of trouble coming. I know you haven't really had much contact with Faykeep since you left to be with Dad, but do you know anything about this? I don't want there to be a war or anything.
I hope you and Dad had a good Festival at home - did you get together with the neighbors this time? And maybe you can convince Dad not to send me three pages talking about the daisies he's growing this time when you write back.
I think we'll be in Silksummit for a while, so hopefully that'll be enough time for me to get your next letter before we leave again.
I love you!

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  1. Letter Home #1
    24 of Citrine Moon
  2. Post-Masquerade
    30 of Citrine Moon