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Sun 15th Aug 2021 05:52

It's Coming

by Sallah el-Azzam

This is bad. This is really, really bad. I didn't think it would happen like this. It has to be what she is up to though, right? I don't know. I have to at least move forward like it is, which means I'll need a lot of help but I don't know who I can trust. I've marked most of my new companions with an arcane mark so I can hopefully tell when they switch but seeing a mirrored Nehrin was too much. His eyes were so cold. They have never been that cold. I don't like that Bahram isn't beside me and it isn't even like I could ask Sahira for help as she is changing too. This is Hassana's fault and I'll be damned if I let that bitch get away with it. We need to get back and I need to tell Nehrin that it is happening. He needs to know. He needs to be safe.
It's going to happen at the end of the wedding. I know it is. I know Uncle said to leave it be to let him handle it but now he gave it to me to fix and doesn't even know. I am starting to get concerned what happens to a person if something happens to their mirror self. If you kill a mirror will it affect the prime? Is that her plan? Use the mirrors to get what she and her father want, maybe? I don't know I wish I had actually paid attention in class now maybe I would have more answers. At least if we get back I can see if the Nega-Sallah had a reaction from me getting punched in the face. What it comes down to is I have to tell someone. I think I have to tell my new friends. Emine likes Sarhia she would help I think. Anasafala seems to have a sense of justice that would be good and while Arella is quiet she has some sort of divinity I should ask her she could be an ally too. I'm worried it might just upset Vadeem but he has been wanting to help more and I think I'll need his help. I don't know where Alakabiades stands as a non-Sraebadahn but I need help., so much this is so far beyond me.
I need to tell Sahira and Taheer as soon as I can. They will know what to do I am sure of it. I need to drag this whole mess into the light or the Gods only know what could happen. I've been through so much training at the college and nothing prepared me for this.
I'm scared. Please help Fasiyya and Amit. Please. Your children need you.

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