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Sallah el-Azzam

Half Kiboian Kitsune summoner with a glowing red right-eye. They are set to graduate from the College in the next couple months as an accomplished Summoner. They control a powerful Fire Elemental named Bahram.

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Fri 8th Oct 2021 04:42

Mirages and Echoes

by Sallah el-Azzam

Bad to worse to even worse then that it would seem. I thought we were already at rock bottom but now it seems like there is a basement to fall into. My biggest concern in that the mirror world version of Nehrin seems to distrust Vadeem and myself. We have seen how he deals with people in the fate of poor Helena a janissary recruit that came with us thinking she was safe only to have her life ended suddenly and violently. I can't believe I skipped so many of my Advanced Planar Theory classes. I looked Sahira in the face more then once and told her 'When will I ever use this?' well I suppose the joke is on me now. We are back and this is my Sahira which makes me feel better but for how long will it last? It seems like the mirrors are portals across and whenever one of our duplicates comes into our world we get shunted back into whatever hellscape their realm is. Now though we are going to get mirrors from our world and see if we wind up back there if we can get back home through them. If we do that though they are going to learn really quick we know how to get out and we are going to become more of a problem. The thing that is making me nervous now is what happens when he start to learn more. When will we stop being a piece in the puzzle and a one that needs to be removed so it doesn't mess up their plan. I wish we knew more.

I'm going to tell Sahira what we have learned. Thank Fasiyya and Amit that Sahira will at least listen to what I tell her and I am going to see if I can't have her keep Nehrin safe. I wish I could keep her with me, I would feel so much safer with her nearby but I know I can get out of trouble and that Nehrin is actively in danger. Hasanna can't hurt Sahira if she wants to keep the good graces of her father so I have to figure out if he is part of all this some how. Right now all I know is that this is somehow Hasanna's plan and I will make sure she accounts for every death. If it is just Hasanna and not part of a larger conspiracy then Sahira is at risk because that two-face camel wouldn't hesitate to hurt Sahira.

I am going to keep moving forward as if Hasim isn't dead. He can't be dead. Hasim is a well seasoned janissary that knows how to watch out for himself. This has to be another trick but it terrifies me. I can't let it sink in. Not until this is all over and we know for certain. We have to have hope that we can change what is going on that we can save our loved ones. I need to find Taheer he will be actually helpful and I can make sure he watches Sahira's back when she is alone. Hasanna could plant a knife in Sahira's back and Sahira would pull it out and clean it for her. He can work here with Sahira's help while we bounce around trying to figure out what is going on and make sure no one makes their move on Nehrin. Anasafala has good instincts and we will need to rely on them. Maybe we should check ourselves with the mirror at set intervals. Casting magic on the mirrors from their world seems to reveal them so we will have to explore it further. It feels good to have a direction to go and a sense of safety but I can't help but think that the more we know the more of a threat we are to them and when will this conflict go from cloak and dagger to full war.

Sallah's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. A Weird Night
    09 Aug 2021 12:56:24
  2. It's Coming
    15 Aug 2021 05:52:56
  3. Mirages and Echoes
    08 Oct 2021 04:42:13

The major events and journals in Sallah's history, from the beginning to today.

Mirages and Echoes

Bad to worse to even worse then that it would seem. I thought we were already at rock bottom but now it seems like there is a basement to fall into. My biggest concern in that the mirror world version of Nehrin seems to distrust Vadeem and myself. We have...

04:42 pm - 08.10.2021

It's Coming

This is bad. This is really, really bad. I didn't think it would happen like this. It has to be what she is up to though, right? I don't know. I have to at least move forward like it is, which means I'll need a lot of help but I don't know who I can trust...

05:01 pm - 15.08.2021

A Weird Night

Tonight was strange. I've heard vaguely of mirror realms but the notion that the Fae were involved or the idea that, that mirror is the same one that I've seen in there before is insane. Someone had to replace it and more importantly we need to figure ou...

12:56 am - 09.08.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sallah.

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