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Tue 28th Dec 2021 06:49

Companions in my travels.

by Arman Giza

Upon being kidnapped I found myself lacking in my ability to defend myself against a number of trained foes. I am not like the others of my clan, unable to do away with pride and see my flaws for what they are, I will take advantage of this second chance my saviors have given me.
Once freed I found myself in the companionship of, what seemed like at the time, an unlikely crew. Here I will take note of what shall likely be my new travelling companions as they have made a good argument against me returning to Greyhawk alone.
Among them were;
A male goliath by the name of Viridian. Viridian is a tall, muscular, hulking figure whom seems to be the type to punch first and ask questions later. He doesn't seem to like me that much, his first thought when the group found me was to pin me down and interrogate me. I admit this may have colored my own opinion of him, but he did also present himself to be a fool just a few hours ago at the inn, picking a fight with an unknown opponent. I will try not to hold it against him, I could use someone as foolhardy as they are strong.
A male elf, whom I actually recognized as someone that went to the Grey College while I was in tenure there, Lhoris Revven. He hasn't seemed to change much, still looks the same as he did all those years ago and still reigning in others like the leader I supposed he was training to become. I find the man most respectable and consider him an equal despite him dividing his time among both the martial and magical arts. A luxury elves can afford I suppose. I would likely only benefit from his friendship.
A bandaged figure I could only assume was male from the voice. He went by the name Alduin and was apparently a monk. He seems to be the most mysterious out of them all, I have yet to see his face. He says he is a monk, which is why I find it so disturbing when his thoughts make themselves known. He seems to be a violent individual, despite having somehow attained inner peace. Despite how much he disturbs me, I am not one to waste a resource. If I find myself in need of someone with loose morals, it is likely he will find no issue with the task.
A short stout male that I instantly figured for a dwarf by the armor. Dokgruth Stoneleg, a silent yet strong type as typical of dwarves I suppose. A worshipper of his race's god Moradin. I cannot express fully how comforting it is to be travelling in the presence of a man of the cloth. I cannot die before I complete my goals. "Dok", as he prefers to be called, seems to be loyal and I suspect if I stay on his good side that not even death will stop me from completing my goals.
Some manner of creature with the features of a rat, likely some deranged wizards' experiment. It goes by the name "Twig", and despite it looking unsettling, I find myself enjoying it's company. It took some time to listen to the story of my past during our travels back to the Inn and offered it's condolences. It's been a long time since I thought about it, let alone spoke aloud of it to anyone, and I find myself wanting more. It seemed fascinated by the idea I have to create an oasis for my people rather than find one, and I found myself wanting to talk more with the creature. Unfortunately the night was cut short by an incident cause by the goliath. I can only hope to talk more with this "Twig".

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