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Arman Giza
Red Mane

From the nomadic life of the Rovers of the Barrens to a business owner in the Free Cities of Greyhawk. Arman has lived a full life for a human, yet he still yearns to fulfill his childhood dream of saving his people.

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Tue 11th Jan 2022 05:22

An excerpt on the dynamics of the Zodiac Clans

by Arman Giza

A few of my companions have asked about what life is like in the Barrens. Instead of telling them each the whole story multiple times, I have instead decided to write this so I may save time by handing them this letter to read. Especially so as our party tends to rotate members in and out...
Each of the Clans are based on the animals in which us as nomads call the months. As such there are 12 clans;
Fireseek's Tiger Clan - Nimble Warriors
Readying's Bear Clan - Strong Warriors
Coldeven's Lion Clan - Skilled Warriors
Planting's Frog Clan - Apothecaries
Flocktime's Turtle Clan - Spiritual Guides
Wealsun's Fox Clan - Politicians
Reaping's Snake Clan - Medics
Goodmonth's Boar Clan - Cooks
Harvester's Squirrel Clan - Foragers/Traders
Pathwall's Hare Clan - Caregivers
Ready'reat's Hawk Clan - Scouts
Sunsebb's Wolf Clan - Army
Each of the clans are self sustainable and barring their specialty are almost identical, as we consider ourselves one people despite living apart for most of the year. The one part of the year in which we are not apart is during the spring time. This is a time in which each of the clans convene on our ancestral oasis, near the center of the barrens (*note 1). As spring approaches the wolf clan sends out a small number of their own to each of the clans to escort them to the oasis. Upon arrival, our Lineage Festival begins.
During the festival any child that was born during the time in between festivals, that has also survived being preyed upon by the Bandit Lords and their armies, is formally given their name and lineage tattoo. Males are given their first name by the leader of the clan they were born into and given their father's name as a last name. Females are given their first name similarly by the leader of the clan, and given their mothers name as a last name. Their names, their parents names and the clans each were born to are then tattooed onto their backs and enchanted to grow with them. Finally the child is gifted by the parents to the clan of the month they were born on. Unlike the parents of children I have observed in my time in Greyhawk, this is a somewhat joyous occasion rather than a tearful one. Most parents plan the conception of their children based on when they will be born, so as to give their child the best opportunity they can.
Other than this festival there are very few opportunities in which one can be adopted by another clan. One of the most accessible exceptions is placement into the Wolf Clan as a part of the Army. Most that choose this are contrarily, not from any of the warrior clans as they see it as beneath their skillset.
*1 - I suspect the reason we are given reprieve by the Bandit Lords during this time is so that we may replenish our numbers and swell our stock of goods for them to take from us.

Arman's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Arman's history, from the beginning to today.

An excerpt on the dynamics of the Zodiac Clans

A few of my companions have asked about what life is like in the Barrens. Instead of telling them each the whole story multiple times, I have instead decided to write this so I may save time by handing them this letter to read. Especially so as our party ...

05:22 am - 11.01.2022

Companions in my travels.

Upon being kidnapped I found myself lacking in my ability to defend myself against a number of trained foes. I am not like the others of my clan, unable to do away with pride and see my flaws for what they are, I will take advantage of this second chance ...

06:49 am - 28.12.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Arman.

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