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Sun 20th Nov 2022 11:55

The Fires of Hope

by Jolder Kar'dral

A single spark of courage can ignite the fires of hope.
Riots in the streets of Lianna, rising up against the tyranny of the Empire. To see an imperial world in open rebellion with my own eyes is something I honestly never thought I'd do. Their courage is inspiring. It is one thing to fight back having been raised as a warrior from childhood, but these people are just regular people going up against armed soldiers with whatever they had on hand. The spark has been lit, and the fire will rise.
Right now I want nothing more than to rejoin my wingmates on Mandalore, but I recognise that I may be needed elsewhere in the war effort. Hopefully we can join the war effort on Mandalore later. I miss my brothers and sisters in arms deeply, and knowing that they are on the homeworld fighting and I'm not weighs heavy upon my soul. If Lianna isn't enough, may Mandalore be the spark that sets the galaxy ablaze.
While I have no doubt the rest of the Eventide crew is on the side of the rebellion or at the very least harbors no loyalty for the Empire, I fear some of them have become soft from hiding instead of fighting. I hope they understand that Lianna is only the beginning. We can't win the war unless we fight, and that means you can't always hide in shadows. Rage against the dying of the light. This is a war for survival. Fuck the risk, fucking fight. No matter the cost.

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