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Jolder Kar'dral

A former Republic pilot turned rebel pilot, Jolder has fought against the Empire since its creation alongside many of her Mandalorian brothers and sisters. Her clandestine contact "Mother" provides instructions for her cell, and she is now assisting the two Jedi of the party.

Campaign & Party

The Crew of the Eventide

Cale Maeveli Tar Mir Jolder
Run by copat149

Our Vengeance Burns Brighter Still

by Jolder Kar'dral

A'den, Het'gal, Skorri, Nyreen, Kad, Lyra... All gone.
Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum.
I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.
We used to number over a hundred strong, but now we're down to four souls. The Void Dragons stand upon a knife's edge. One. Wrong. Step. And the Void Dragons are no more. Maybe it's better to go out on your own terms? Choose the time and place, make the last four of us feel like a thousand before we fall in blaze of glory.
I do not fear the warrior's death. In a way I guess I have always accepted that it will happen at some point when you walk the path we do as Mandalorians. What I do fear however is fading away. To not having meant anything, and for the Void Dragons to fade away into nothingness. I will not let the Empire get away with this. I will make them pay.
If we burn, they burn with us.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Those who stand before us light the night sky in flame.
Our vengeance burns brighter still.

Jolder's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Idea Board
    09 Nov 2022 05:42:04
  2. A Lifetime of War
    09 Nov 2022 10:54:59
  3. The Fires of Hope
    20 Nov 2022 11:55:24
  4. Our Vengeance Burns Brighter Still
    8 BBY

The major events and journals in Jolder's history, from the beginning to today.

Idea Board

Displayed on a large screen in Jolder's quarters: [b]Priority[/b] [i]Mind-Shielding Suit/device[/i] -- We've faced several adversaries that have attacked our minds. Must be a way to shield against it. Should talk to Maeve (or Mir?) about this. [i...

04:04 am - 11.01.2024

HoloNet Pirate Broadcast following the Citadel prison break.

07:39 pm - 08.01.2024

Our Vengeance Burns Brighter Still

A'den, Het'gal, Skorri, Nyreen, Kad, Lyra... All gone. Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. [i]I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.[/i] We used to number over a hundred strong, but now we're down t...

07:13 pm - 08.01.2024

The Fires of Hope

[i]A single spark of courage can ignite the fires of hope.[/i] Riots in the streets of Lianna, rising up against the tyranny of the Empire. To see an imperial world in open rebellion with my own eyes is something I honestly never thought I'd do. Their...

11:55 pm - 20.11.2022

A Lifetime of War

I've been fighting the Empire since its inception. Before that I fought the Separatists. I've been a warrior for as long as I can remember. With the separatists it was for glory and chance to prove my skill. In the skies of Cato Neimoida I shot down c...

04:38 pm - 09.11.2022

Idea Board

Displayed on a large screen in Jolder's quarters: - Incendiary cells -- 10 should be enough. Will ask team how much they need. - Wristpad Chassis -- Storing Dataport Improved --- Keep a jetpack charge or equivalent tech ready to go when SHTF. ...

07:57 pm - 02.11.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jolder.