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Tue 14th Nov 2023 07:36

Guides and Goblins

by Dolen Feredir

I met my new acquaintances downstairs in the tavern for breakfast and across from us sat a young halfling boy named Vincent who the other two seemed to not be able to help themselves in pestering. They were apparently obsessed with his drawings but managed to convince the poor child to give us a guided tour of Blasingdell for some coin. According to Killian and Krod this Vincent has some divine ability to see glyphs and maybe echoes of the past while drawing his pictures. This might come in useful later if it is indeed true.
After wandering around a little while we passed an ominous windmill and Killian said he smelled what he thought was rotting flesh coming from that direction and it gave him reason to think evil lurked there. The boy did eventually lead us to the orphanage we were looking for. Indeed the carving on our coins resembled the fountain in front of the orphanage. While the others investigated the fountain I took a look inside the orphanage and for the most part found nothing of interest until I came across a small office where on the desk was some metal filings. I am convinced these metal filings were made from the coins my associates and I recieved although nothing else to suggest who or why they were sent. The only other thing I have found was an eight sided dice that rattled when I shook it.
After trying to twist, pull and pry my way into it I decided to wait for the others to see what they could make of it.
When Krod and Killian arrived I showed them the die and Killian proceeded to roll it getting an eight. Upon rolling and getting an eight bells from the chappell began to ring and rang eight times, coincidence maybe?
Still not being able to get into the dice I decided to try and crack the outer layer accidentally breaking the whole lot which had infuriated Krod. We left the orphanage and headed back towards the village, Krod was still in a bad mood.
As we crossed a small bridge we got talking to one of the locals and told us about the windmill that was supposed to be cursed due dubious practices by someone who lived there decades ago or maybe more. Being potentially connected to the demonic structures beneath the village the three of us decided to investigate this windmill but in doing so we had to ascend a rocky passage. While making our way up to the windmill we heard some noises so I chose to climb up the side to higher ground to see what we were walking into. Goblins, many goblins. There must have been about a dozen of them, probably creating an ambush.
About four or five managed to surround me so to even the odds I cast a darkness spell on the blade of my sword. Knowing how to fight in pitch darkness should have given me the advantage but one of these goblins somehow caught me off guard and I lost concentration dropping the spell. This was not good. They were then able to deal some heavy blows but I was able to escape down the side of the valley. Although I tried to take cover they were in a much more advantageous position and shot me with an arrow but thankfully one of my allies brought me back around. I hope I'm not losing my edge and becoming a liability, I should really be better than this.
The others defeated the rest of the goblins of which one may have gotten away but at least for now I think we're relatively safe. I believe our plan is to continue on to the windmill.

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