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Sat 14th Aug 2021 06:35

"Training" (Backstory snip it, not a journal entry)

by 27 (Sunny) Vance

Training at the Vance estate was brutal. They are known as assassins, but their method of killing is far more than stealth. It is tactics. Planning, covering all conceivable angles, then executing one swift drop in the water to cause a ripple (aka the kill). 27s power had awoken at age 8, thus he was not killed off, and he started training. The Vance's in charge of training (Mother and older siblings assumedly) designed each program around one's powers, but all had a puzzle or tactical component. There was no winning. You succeed, and another complexity was added, and you were punished for failing the next section. So on and so on.27s power to regenerate and his strength along with his intellect put him far beyond where his fellow siblings had ever stared at. This placed him in the unique position of receiving the most intense "training" family had ever been able to induce. Every success was a failure that was punished, every failure was punished. Given puzzles with no logical or tactical solution, then punished. When the punishment was fighting an older sibling 27 progressed, 27 had won.27 would not be given the opportunity to win during punishments.27 would then have his hands bound during fights. Yet even so, 27 would find a way to out think his siblings, and win. They then bound him to a stone, again he won by outsmarting his siblings. It progressed to the point that each limb was chained to a separate stone and placed apart from one another.
This cycle took place over the course of 6 years. The interactions with his siblings were full of beatings or punishment. Even with his mother, it was mind games and mental punishment. In that 7th year, 27 had progressed to the point that, unbeknownst to him, their father had to take the task of creating challenges for 27 to achieve or fail due to his advanced INT and tactical advantage. His siblings still carried them out, as to let 27 assume they were still his superiors. Day after day these challenges were placed before 27 and punishments were given.
One day during a challenge everything changed for 27, this day something was different, 27 succeeded. 27 bested the challenge lay before him from "his father" and stared down his older sibling waiting for his punishment as he reached the end. 27s keen instinct picked up something at that moment, a twitch in his siblings' expression (his sibling was in utter shock that he had bested his father's incredibly well-thought-out challenge but kept his surprise contained, he thought...). 27 sensed this as surprise or fear, either was hesitation. The punishment commenced and 27 took every hit. Standing up again, and again. Looking to be resilient and stubborn to his sibling, but in reality this was his moment, proceed with his own plan...
---throughout his years of ruthless "training" 27 had developed a defensive power, and throughout his teachings of tactics had hidden it away. (you never reveal your strengths to your enemy, unless it suits your goal). 27 could feel a change during his punishments, they become less harmful, if not ineffective at all. His siblings weren't getting weaker, the opposite, they had become stronger. At the start of each punishment he could feel how strong they were yet by the end of it they felt weak, and they were definitely not tired, and 27 felt he could move freely if he wished, the restraints felt like nothing... 27 spent years honing this power and comprehending what it was, until finally he understood it fully, his pain amplified his power.
Questions, thoughts, and a revelation filled 27s mind once he learned of this ability.
"was this his key? Was this what they had been training him to develop? No…that's not it. They don't even know that I can do this. This "family" feels wrong. Why was he punished the most? Why did they hate him? Why couldn't he speak with mother the way his siblings were allowed to? Did they talk to father...could he speak with him? Was he part of this family? of my other siblings have trained so long...or so...hard. Am I a prisoner? Was I taken very young? But why would they train me? That's not it...if I'm being trained, controlled, and I feel as tho I could overtake my siblings, yet I do not out of obedience I must be...a weapon. I am no offspring, or if I am, my place as a son was cast away when my powers developed. Am seen as a family asset? The new family, war machine to carry out their will. How could they do this to me? I am your son. I was…your son... This is no family. I will not be your personal harbinger of death! My father...they crave the power to instill death upon anyone they desire, at the expense of their own family. Death is what you shall have for what you have traded... I will be my own family!"---
throughout this onslaught of a punishment provided by his sibling, 27 stood up, and broke his restraints. As both 27 and his sibling froze for just a moment. His sibling out of shock and fear once more, and 27 out of a miscalculation of his own strength. 27 moved forward. With lighting like speed, proceeded through his sibling to the door. His sibling's body falling to the floor in half as 27 opened the door into the Vance estate to give his "Family" what they so badly craved, Death.

Continue reading...

  1. "Training" (Backstory snip it, not a journal entry)
  2. B-Gene Activation (A Memory)