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Wed 7th Apr 2021 04:26

The Song Awakens

by Safeguard Galdimere

I should have known! No good comes from involuntary Dreams. I don't know how the others stand it, being unable to experience the Elder Dream. And I had another just the other night! As far as premonitions go, this one was hardly worth the intrusion. That Kathra lady had already beheaded a creature with red crystals for a brain by the time the Interweb discharged its currant for the week.
I'm getting ahead of myself. First: Where am I? Well it certainly isn't my lab and this journal seems to be made of a simple parchment. Looking out the window tells me I'm at the inn in Caracara. I'll draw a picture on this page so I know this journal isn't apart of the Elder Dream....
There. I never could get the likeness correct in this reality. Or maybe I just forgot my mother's face...come to think of it, were the tendrils something she grew right before I left...?
Well anyway, a lot has been going on lately and I've been falling into the "bad habits of my obsession" as the Speaker put it. I've started traveling with some people so I figured it'd be a good time to put this journal to use. I still am not sure which bits are the "insanity that regular people don't understand" so I'll keep an eye out for the social cues like yawning or mouth agape in horror, which are sometimes hard to tell apart.
The intruding vision showed me an eldritch machine that was being tampered with by a woman with numerous limbs. I tailed behind a small group of deadly people who seemed unperturbed by my arrival and were actually fairly supportive of my tagging along. I laid low, like the Speaker told me to do, but it was difficult with so much amazing tek around us! If I'm rereading this, don't be disturbed by the lack of notes, I put them under the enlightenment next to the explosion I was working on.
The details get a bit hazy; I guess I should visit this journal as much as my notes. There were people--or maybe corpses--infused with tek, though the connections were unbelievably brutish. Maybe the Kuno fellow would let me test some reenactments of the technique.
Ah yes, the companions! There were three of them--wait no five people in their party. Kuno is one of those common species, uh the human. He has some mastery over a technique I believe is called psionics. I haven't met a practitioner before, at least not one of his caliber. Raelyn also seemed like one of the common ones, but I'm pretty sure she had wings for a bit. Might just have to ask her. Her dancing must be inspired by the Ancients somehow...everything about her confuses me as to which reality I'm in. Maul-Moir is one of the sturdy folk. I watched him talk to bones. He's probably the hardest for me to understand. I guess practical might be the right word. Use right angles around him.
There was also a lady with a sword and a man with interesting techniques for his effects...I'm not sure what happened to them. The lady went with Kuno and Urulay. I think the man escaped with us? I was hardly paying attention. Who designs a makeshift Ancients Calibration Acceleration Device without a safeguard? Multilimbed humans that can't work around a life source requirement or a team of ruin delvers, that's who. It's a wonder I was able to adjust the shoddy craftsmanship to the right frequency before the dang lever broke.
Although it was the lever to the Alternating Cylindric Pulses...I don't think anyone recognized my blunder. I'd be laughed out of the Bloom Boom if that got out.
Anyway, it hasn't stopped raining with the UFL. It is comforting because it reminds me of the evening pour back in the Bloom, but I guess it's killing Caracara's crops. We helped the town fend off the red crystal horde, and soon we are going to go find some Ancients Facilities. The old human with the disgusting food thinks we should start in the forest and I'm inclined to agree. These crystal heads weren't pushovers and if we start at the old ruins, we'd have to go there and back through the migration. Maybe we'll learn a bit more about the obelisk and can manipulate the crystal force besides decapitation.