Wed 9th Jun 2021 02:19

A Battle of Benevolence

by Godabert (Todaaki)

We left the swamp and went back to Biggins Stop to rest up for our long trip North. We decided most of us would go to Bavor’s Rest and ensure Mora and her family were OK and escort them North. Kano and Dogan would go South to Arras to notify my family and guide them North. We would wait in Bavor’s Rest for them and then all travel North together. I already wasn’t happy with having to split us up but it was a necessary evil. I lament that the people I love are in danger now but there’s not much I can do about it except ensure their safety.
We made our way North to Bavor’s Rest while the others went South. The journey was uneventful and I was relieved that Bavor’s Rest was not harmed nor any of its people. Mora and her family were all OK. I explained the situation and apologized but this was the safest thing for everyone. Once we are able to stabilize the Valley they can return if they wish.
While we were waiting for Kano we found out there were some Servori Rangers in town checking out a few things. To the northwest a young lady said she saw lights and shadows moving in the woods near their farm.. No one else saw it and the Rangers had already been there and scouted a bit but saw nothing. There was also some smoke to the east that they were going to check out. I was more concerned with the smoke but they were fairly certain it was nothing major and they would handle it. So they went East and we went to check out this rumor to the northwest since we had some time before Kano got there.
It was a large farm run by a family. As we approached a teen boy was in the barn working. He kind of rolled his eyes when we talked to him about the lights and shadows his sister (I’m guessing) saw. He said she was just jumpy because of everything going on. So we went to the house and talked to her directly. She said she was sure she had seen something but not sure exactly what it was. She asked if wanted lodging in the barn for the night. Maybe, it depends if we find anything.
Stian went out (I figured this was pretty low risk) and found some tracks. I guess the Rangers couldn’t find anything because of the rain and the delay in getting there. We started following them and noticed some odd marks on trees high up. It was getting dark so we headed back to the rest of the family wondering what we were doing there. We explained we just wanted to follow up and see if there was anything to this. We also paid for a night in the barn and decided to watch and see if we could capture these lights and shadows.
Sure enough there they were. Stian went out to try and see if he could sneak towards them. The rest I’m not sure but will summarize. He went out and something stopped the lights and everything went dark. Hrena is pretty small and quiet so she went out to make sure Stian was OK. He was and they both eventually came back. Too bad Kano wasn’t there, his dark vision would have come in handy. We would have to wait until morning, no sense getting ambushed in the dark.
In the morning the family provided a nice breakfast and we headed out to follow these tracks down. Stian tried to sneak up to the camp but was discovered and started running back towards us. Once again we lost any surprise we had. We took a defensive position and started backing away slowly. We exchanged words and found that they were bandits paid to stay off Grigor land. Even at that point I didn’t believe that, these were definitely Grigor trying to expand their territory. Well they picked the wrong area and the wrong time. Nonetheless I didn’t want to kill anyone and would try and save as many as we could. I told them they could either join us and help the Valley, disarm and return home or die a bandit death. Well they thought the odds were in their favor so they laughed. Most wouldn’t laugh again. They said we had three hours and they would attack.
We used the giant logs around in the area to make some defensive fortifications to funnel them towards us or at least provide an obstacle. I set up to drop an area of fire and we would use Toblikai’s shield to negate their archers. Stian and Hrena perched up on the roof and Amaris joined us down below. Kano showed up just in time for the fun with DOgan and the mercenaries. Figuring they were watching we ushered them in the barn as if to hide them there. Then Stian snuck them out the back and into the house unseen for a surprise attack. Thank the Wold they were not seen.
Once the battle started it was plain that most of these men were not warriors. Kain did a fantastic job scaring some of them. I asked over and over again for them to surrender. One man tried to run and was cut down by a Grigor man. I tried to urge them to fight against their captors and focused my attention on one of those. It was then that Hrena, or her stone, unleashed onto the battlefield in a rage. That was truly terrifying. I don’t know about these stones aligned with Chaos.
We had the battle well in hand. Kain and some well placed oil torched more men (unfortunately one of the conscripts burned to death). We were getting flanked around the house so I pulled an illusion through Anuundari of the Wolf staring at them and did a damn good job this time. Much better than my Fawn in Riverwatch. This stopped that group pretty much outright. Some others tried to come around through the garden in front of the house but they were attacked in the rear by Dogan and the others. Stian took out most of the archers.
During the battle a Grigor officer or someone watched from atop a horse. Too late I realized what was going on and was about to shout to Stian to shoot the horse but he ran off. Now they know some of our powers. We’ll have to change it up next time.
Anyways the battle was winding down and many were now finally surrendering. That was when Yui decided to attack (or play?!) one of the men that had stopped but didn’t fully surrender. His brother (we found out later they were brothers) attacked Yuki because the thing had attacked his brother. This sent Toblikai into a rage and he went after them. I had to literally run over and put myself between him and them to stop him. They were just scared kids and thought we were worse than Grigor.
After the battle we quickly cleaned up and, unfortunately, had to tie these men up with the promise that they would be freed but we had to check the camp. It was abandoned and there wasn’t much there anyways. We returned and untied them and learned that they had been conscripted and if they were found to have joined us then their families would be killed or worse. This was a real conundrum. I wanted to help these people but we needed them on our side. Someone suggested maybe the Rangers could help as they were from different villages and we could escort everyone around. Sneak in, help their families escape and come to Setvori land to be truly taken care of. It was a good plan. Even if we could save half of them it was better than zero.
After that we headed to Buryn to meet up with Lord Setvori. Before then a few things happened. First we ALL entered some dream realm and met Rahao. He spoke his usual riddles. Something about the pass between the Valley and Mjorn territories being “taken care of” soon and to not be there. We needed to learn to hide our stones to be safe but not telling us how to. He did give us some great knowledge for the future school. Plus I learned that Amaris is actually quite adept at teaching. Oh and the new mine Setvori was populating was important as well.
Second Toblikai thought we could try and help Hrena with her stone. Apparently she needed to “:tame” it or it would overtake her like in battle. Anuundari was none too happy to be part of that so I had to bow out. The others tried to help but Hrena said they couldn’t actually, she had to do it or the stone would think she was weak. So what does she do? Rip it out of her gut, By herself. I REALLY don’t understand Chaos. Toblikai healed her and that seemed to do the trick for her stone but what in the name of the Wolf. Oh and my stone is a “goody two shoes”.
Last I meditated to gain guidance from the Wolf and I was literally pulled through something to be directly in front of her. She was a bit surprised but gave me good info, The Laadar name had to end. The son was important and the Wolf said specifically I needed to teach him. Saeti would never be happy until the Laadar name was finished. She also said the Mjorn would march for Riverwatch and it was only a matter of time. When that happened we needed to fight together to defeat them or else all was lost. Battle is straightforward. I don’t know what to do about the boy. How do we even get close to him with his Mother on the verge of insanity? So another thing to worry about I suppose.
With that out of the way we met with Lord Setvori. Just before we met the Advisor that is suspect. Kano was able to “read” him and it was odd. There were parts of him that weren’t there? He did say Lord Setvori was in much better spirits and had some hope for the future. He already knew of our victory and we gave him the spirit root. He also said that one of his people found a stone and, well, we’re kinda the experts right now. It was a long trip so we didn’t spend much time talking about details but he did invite us on a hunt to view his lands. Now that one job was done it was time to get right back to work.