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Wed 17th Jan 2024 11:39

Expedition 1: So...Much...Blood

by Researcher, Dragon, Savant Dras Enga

So it would seem, my initial thought of opening the door by making it bleed was...less than optimal. It WORKED mind you...but less than desirable for sure. I will need to inspect this door at a later date and take measurements and notes on design. This seems like it would be quite adequate as a standard door within my Hoard Quarters....Mayhaps the Minions and I can disassemble it and bring it with us for reconstruction back home. If not! I will take my notes and move on, creating my OWN masterpiece!! Fit for a Dragon of such stature!
I surely thought for a moment that some of my Minions may actually perish...and this will simply not do. They are the best Minions and I must keep them alive and safe. What is a good Dragon without their Minions after all! This blood it an ooze I suppose. It seems adequate, but im sure it could do with a better name. but moving on for now... It was quite a problem but we I said, the best Minions!
Our newest Minion Willam however did not seem to make it out of the altercation intact. This is certainly my first loss of a Minion, and I do not know what this feeling is but I do not like it. Thankfully my goggles were able to catch some of the liquid from my eyes so that my Minions did not see, hopefuuly they did not see me clutching his haggus hoard bag...thing, I will hang onto it until I can return it to him. A Dragon cannot cry, or feel remorse. or else are they supposed to be a leader otherwise.
The other Minions have expressed a strong desire to try and revive him, and I say I do agree..however I do not know how to do this. None of my concoctions are this good...though I suppose I know what my immediate project will be! I now have to create a potion to bring back the dead! This will be perfect! No Minion left behind! OR FOR DEAD! Now...ONTO CARDEN!!!