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Mon 6th Mar 2023 04:05

A New Nest

by Genesis

The day began with a mission in mind, to find a new suitable place to build her home. Gen had a few hours before her shift at the Conservatory begun. The mountains in front of her original house were a fine idea, however the idea of getting up and down deterred her slightly. Instead, she decided to explode the forests nearby the Kingdom, hoping to find maybe a huge cave or a very tall tree.
Packed with her tools and a huge packet of berries, she set off. # days she took exploring of which nothing was found to her liking. After mining some iron, she decided to head back; she was out of her food and her tools were nearly completely broken.
As she walked down the road to her home, she heard a familiar "ting" noise made by a trident been thrown. She hurried her pace back to her home, only to be greeted by Fuyuko. The two exchanged pleasantries as Gen put her items away for later use. The two walked outside and talked some more as the sunset. Gen explained her problem with her house. Exactly after she said that, Gen remembered that she did know a cave that could be possibly turned into base. Her wings flapped in excitement a she rushed to grab another set of tools; the climb wasn't far but it was during sunset and one couldn't be overly precautious.
The two set off up the mountain, chatting as they went. The hole to the cave was small and was easily hidden but they found it quickly after Gen nearly fell face first into it. An incredible case of claustrophobia hit Gen seconds apon entering the cave. The feeling only got worse as they continued to explore. Before it became too much, the two exited out at different entrance. Both Fuyuko and Gen agreed that this was the wrong area for her.
The two of them made their way down the mountain, back to Gen's house, when Gen suddenly stopped Fuyuko and pointed out a good spot. The mountains were arranged to be next to each other and were at a good height that made Gen excited to try flying down. However, all planning came to halt when Gen's stomach growled. As Gen reached for her berries, she heard Fuyuko offer to make her something. A bit of unease but also appreciation made her agree and thank the frost golem.
They headed for the soup kitchen where Gen sat and watched Fuyuko decide on what to make. However, they lacked some ingredients and had decided to rather travel to Aremore to cook there. The teleporter landed them in the center of the town, but Gen ignored the feelings that washed over her and followed Fuyuko closely. As much as she enjoyed to remises about things, she was starting to become severally starved.
They jumped down to Alice's home and Fuyuko went inside while Gen sat outside next to the fire. She yelled to Fuyuko wondering if she had been around when Alice had created her machines and was told that she came after the everything was built, but still helped Alice when she asked.
An hour passed before Fuyuko came out with lots of different foods. Gen sat and ate while they discussed on how Gen's house was going to look like. After eating, they left to gather the many piles of wood they would be needing. Gen watched as Fuyuko grew the trees with the power of bone meal before she turned her attention elsewhere. The process didn't take long. By the end of the collection, they had 18 piles of 64 logs.
They took their recourses and headed back to Virk. Gen's fathers fluffed up as the cold wind hit her but a smile embraced her face. It was good to be home. They moved towards the mountain where they started to build. Multiple times Gen fell of the structure and only by the grace of her wings did she survive. Of course, when Fuyuko dropped down and didn't hurt herself, Gen was very perplexed but slightly jealous.
The building itself was half way to completion when Fuyuko had to leave for something. Gen waved her friend goodbye and continued to construct her house. Many hours later, Fuyuko returned and helped finish up the house. The shape of the house ended up been a nest, which to some part of Gen, made her happy.

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