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8th of Tarsec 1374

Siege of the Church

by Shay Ingovayus (Voidwalker)

Shay and a group of individuals were tasked by the members of the Hall of the White Rose to clear out their new temple, Hall of Mercy to Illmater (previously Hall of Order - Bane).
Brother Enesian tasked Zhivka, local acolyte to accompany the group on the task.
The party consisted of Svent (a kobold warlock), Basilas (ex-military), Zhivka (stuck up priestess), Feret (thieves' guild type).
We fought in the sewers against a jelly before finding a secret passage into the priest's chamber. He was shortly dispatched.
Suddenly theives' guild members burst in. Comes to find out they also have a shop set up in this temple. Helping with the drug trafficking (?).
The thieves were dispatched, a fire in their drug work station was put out, and the temple was left.

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  1. Siege of the Church
    8th of Tarsec 1374