Lady of Dioras Kyela Dioras

True Neutral Half-Elf (Noble)
Paladin 6
61 / 61 HP

An intimidating figure covered in shining silver armor, Kyela is a ruthless but kind paladin seeking vengeance against the murderers of her wife, Irildan. Who also happens to be the Goddess of Loyalty and Justice...

View in World
Mount Eroph

Campaign & Party

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Other characters
Now lmao

A Test for the DM :D

by Lady of Dioras Kyela Dioras

This is a test and just some general text!!!
Link magic with the surrounding society — Ensure the type of magic you choose is appropriate and natural for your society. For example, magic based on science may not be appropriate in a medieval setting. Consider the effect magic has had on the operation of society in your world. What inventions and technologies does magic supersede? Consider the everyday person's perception, usage of and reaction to magic.
blah blad blah stuff

The major events and journals in Kyela's history, from the beginning to today.

Test Session 2

11:10 pm - 05.09.2021

Test Session 2

11:09 pm - 05.09.2021

Notes Notes

10:59 pm - 05.09.2021

A Test for the DM :D

This is a test and just some general text!!! Link magic with the surrounding society — Ensure the type of magic you choose is appropriate and natural for your society. For example, magic based on science may not be appropriate in a medieval se...

06:53 am - 18.08.2021

Ah shit I keep messing up my accent XD

06:50 am - 18.08.2021

Saw some travelers near our camp!

06:49 am - 18.08.2021

I throw the dagger into the Fabric of Reality.

06:48 am - 18.08.2021

Giantslayer Feature Achieved!

Nearly just One-Shot a Hill Giant :3

06:48 am - 18.08.2021

Did this boulder just speak to Siris?? Irildan save me

06:47 am - 18.08.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kyela.

Played by

Other Characters by jeanineyy