Welcome to Zaria Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Zaria
751 RE | Full


  • Zaria World Map / The Continent
    Zaria is the setting that this campaign will take place in. It is also called "The Continent" to reference the landmass that contains all the main countries of the world.
  • Arkwing
    Once the grand and shining capitol of Torisa, Arkwing has been covered by a mysterious mist and surrounded by a dangerous forest of almost impenetrable density.
  • West Coast of Zaria
    A more detailed map of the central conflict of the campaign.
Supporting Cast
  • Bolton
    Bolton the Courageous is a paladin of The Engulfing Flame, dedicated to ridding the world of beasts and monsters. But after recent circumstances, he is starting to feel his faith dwindle...
  • Faen Valrel
    The mysterious ex-wife of Ethel Rothenel, a devote Lolth spy and necromancer.
  • Hescar
    The silent and ever-faithful defender and lover of Marcus
  • King Heward Northcott
    The current King of Torsia, he seems strangely absent from all decisions regarding the city and country.
  • Master Arcanist of Lumeria Jhaeros Wysa
    While not a tall and imposing figure, Jhaeros Wysa still commands the attention and respect of anyone within the same room. He is a talented Evocation wizard, graduated from Amethyst Academy, and the protector and owner of Avon Beach. He is also the Master Arcanist of the Illuminated Council of Lumeria.
  • Josephine Wysa
    The sweet and bubbly owner of Merchant Josephine's Magical Menagerie, Josephine Wysa is an ambitious store owner looking to open multiple branches of her store around The Continent. She is the twin sister of Master Arcanist of Lumeria, Jhaerros Wysa.
  • Lia Mizzrym
    Lia is an ambitious Paladin of Eilistrae, who escaped the Underdark to live a better life above ground.
  • Marcus
    Charismatic and ambitious vampire assassin
  • Olaugf John
    The charming, friendly, and seasoned sailor Olaugf Jon is a sea-faring pirate, commanding The Medusa to plunder trade vessels. He is old friends with Shivah.
  • Saskia Brein
    The quiet but steady guard working for the Common Guild
  • Sylvia
    Known as The Silvered Snake, Sylvia is a cruel and skilled assassin working for Marcus, and is one of Kaehi's old teachers.
  • Teo Heiser
    A playful and impulsive ex-The Syndicate member, Teo is one of Kaehi's oldest friends. He has escaped Arkwing 6 years ago with Ella, but now has returned to find his kidnapped friend.
  • Varala of Binton
    Varala of Binton is a tough, militaristic patriot. She would do anything to restore Arkwing to it's old glory, even if it means regicide.
  • Lord of Tharlonde Vrye Rothenel
    The vain and dramatic ruler of Tharlonde, Vrye Rothenel never fails to take any opportunity to look at himself in the mirror and preen. Despite his conceitedness, he proves to be a decent ruler, and leads more progressive ideals in his city. He has a complicated relationship with his parents, and wants to prove himself as a competent leader.

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 6th September 2021 6:00

Test Session 4

Sessions Archive

5th Sep 2021

Test Session 3


20th Aug 2021

Test Session 2

This is an excerpt. Kyela and Bronco testing team

18th Aug 2021

Test Time 1

Oh Look very eye-catching plot hook!!!!

Read the Report
Zaria the world of this setting has one large landmass known as The Continent, where most of the campaign will take place. Zaria is a combination of high fantasy classic D&D 5e mixed with a dash of grim-dark fantasy and cracky humor.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Lady of Dioras Kyela Dioras

True Neutral Half-Elf (Noble)
Paladin 6
61 / 61 HP

Bronco Bama

8 / 8 HP

Dove Anojer

Eldria Tempest