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Mazikeen Yuvari
character Name
Technomancer 5
Level And Class
Street Rat
Chaotic Good

Ability Score Ability Mod Temp Adjust Current Mod
Strength 10 +0 +0 0
Dexterity 16 +3 +0 3
Constitution 10 +0 +0 0
Intelligence 18 +4 +0 4
Wisdom 12 +1 +0 1
Charisma 8 -1 +0 -1
Total Ranks Class Mod Ability Mod Misc Mod
Acrobatics* (dex)
3 0 0 3 0
Athletics* (str)
0 0 0 0 0
Bluff (cha)
1 0 0 -1 2
Computers (int)
13 5 3 4 1
Culture (int)
4 0 0 4 0
Diplomacy (cha)
-1 0 0 -1 0
Disguise (cha)
-1 0 0 -1 0
Engineering (int)
12 5 3 4 0
Intimidate (cha)
-1 0 0 -1 0
Life science (int)
4 0 0 4 0
Medicine (int)
4 0 0 4 0
Mysticism (wis)
10 5 3 1 1
Perception (wis)
1 0 0 1 0
Physical science (int)
12 5 3 4 0
Piloting (dex)
11 5 3 3 0
Sense motive (wis)
1 0 0 1 0
Sleight of hand (dex)
11 5 3 3 0
Stealth (dex)
13 5 3 3 2
Survival (wis)
9 5 3 1 0
Total Dex Mod Init Mod
7 3 4
Stamina Health Resolve
Total 25 29 6
Current 25 29 6
Total Base Armor Mod Dex Mod Misc Mod
EAC Energy Armor Class 17 10 4 3 0
KAC Kinetic Armor Class 18 10 5 3 0
Total Base KAC
CMAC Combat Manoeuvre AC 26 8 18
Damage Reduction
5 cold, 5 electricity, 5 fire
Total Base Ability Mod Misc Mod
1 1 0 0
4 1 3 0
5 4 1 0
Base Attack Bonus
Total BAB STR Mod Misc Mod
Melee Attack
3 3 0 0
Total BAB DEX Mod Misc Mod
Ranged Attack
6 3 3 0
Total BAB STR Mod Misc Mod
Thrown Attack
3 3 0 0
Weapons :
Assassin rifle, shadow +6 2d6+5 P
  • Accurate Weapon Fusion
Semi-auto pistol, tactical +6 1d6+2 P
Spear, tactical +3 1d6+5 P
  • Returning Weapon Fusion

Armor : Grave Mantle, Enlisted
Other : Industrial Backpack, Hygiene Kit, Everyday Clothing, Travel Clothing, Personal Comm Unit, Basic Med Kit, Hacking Kit, Engineering Kit, Navigator's Tools, Binders, MK 1 Serum of Healing x3, Longarm and Sniper Rounds x1, Small Arms Rounds x2
Credits : 111
Racial - Tiefling (HP 4 | +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha): Darkvision, Deceitful, Fiendish Gloom, Fiendish Resistance
Theme - Street Rat (+1 Dex) : Theme Knowledge
Feats : Sniper Proficiency, Weapon Specialization Sniper, Improved Initiative
Class - Technomancer (5+Con SP | 5 HP | Key Int): Light Armor Proficiency, Basic Melee Weapons Proficiency, Small Arms Proficiency, Spell cache, Magic hack Harmful Spells (Ex), Spell Focus; Techlore +1, TEC Weapon Specialization, Magic hack Glitch Step (Su)
Spells & Spellbook
Spell DC : 15 + Spell Lvl.
Spells/Day : | ∞ | 5 | 3 | - | - | - | - |
Spells Known : | 6 | 4 | 3 | - | -| - | - |
0 Level : Detect Magic, Psychokinetic Hand, Omnitool, Mending, Telepathic Message, Ghost Sound
1st Level : Magic Missile( 1d4+1 , 2d4+2 , 3d4+3 ), Know Coordinates, Seeking Shot, Supercharge Weapon( 2d6 , 4d6 )
2nd Level : Invisibility, Spider Climb, Caustic Conversion 4d4 A


The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

Shadow Assassin Rifle

Wielded :
Level :
Price :
Damage :
2d6 P
Range :
60 ft.
Critical :
Capacity :
1 Round
Usage :
Bulk :
Special :
Breakdown, sniper (500 ft.),unwieldy

Description :
When assembled, an assassin rifle looks similar to a typical sniper rifle. Its modular construction, however, allows it to be broken down into small component parts that can be hidden on the user’s person—or even smuggled in a ysoki’s cheek pouches—making the weapon difficult to detect or identify. Assassin rifles are available in stalker, shadow, phantom, spectre, and wraith models.

Weapon Modifications :

Accurate Weapon Fusion

Weapon Fusion
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
The accurate fusion bestows exceptional balance and handling on a weapon. When you take a move action to aim a weapon with this fusion at a specific target, you gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll with that weapon provided neither you nor your target has moved since you aimed. You also gain this bonus if you take a move action to aim for other purposes, such as aiming a weapon with the sniper special property. Only ranged weapons can benefit from this fusion.

Tactical Semi-auto pistol

Wielded :
Level :
Price :
Damage :
1d6 P
Range :
30 ft.
Critical :
Capacity :
9 Rounds
Usage :
Bulk :
Special :

Description :
The semiautomatic mechanism of this pistol discharges spent cartridges and reloads fresh ones in the barrel, provided acartridge remains in the magazine.

Weapon Modifications :

Tactical Spear

Wielded :
Level :
Price :
Damage :
1d6 P
Critical :
Bulk :
Special :
Analog, block, thrown 20 ft.

Description :
Spears come in many varieties. Buzzblade spears vibrate at high frequency. Zero-edge spears employ quantum manufacturing to hone an edge so fine that it seems indistinct. The gravity spear uses a tiny gravity field generator to accelerate the weapon at the moment of impact.

Weapon Modifications :

Returning Weapon Fusion

Weapon Fusion
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
You can add this fusion only to a weapon that has the thrown weapon special property. A returning weapon flies through the air back to you after you make a thrown ranged attack with it. It returns to you just before your next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching the weapon when it comes back takes no action. If you can’t catch it, or if you have moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which you threw it.

Enlisted Grave Mantle

Type :
Level :
Spd. Adj. :
Bulk :
Price :

Description :
The utilitarian grave mantle is common both on Eox and among the Eoxian expatriates of the Corpse Fleet. The base model worn by rankand-file troops consists of a tabard of ballistic fabric worn over plastic mesh, with additional layers of fabric reinforcing the joints. More expensive models enhance the mesh with nanowire and place ceramic plates beneath the tabard. Despite Eoxian armies having no need for air, grave mantles retain life support systems as a defense against corrosive atmospheres and related hazards. Grave mantle models include the base enlisted version, specialist models customized for the duties of their wearers, and officer models that combine superior protection with purely aesthetic additions such as holographic rank insignias.

Armor Modifications :

The statblocks of your features

Theme Features

Street Rat (Dex +1) Theme Knowledge

Type :
Theme Knowledge 1
Prerequisites :

Description :
You grew up making your own way, without the benefits of a strong social safety net to protect and assist you. Even if your experience all comes from a single settlement, you have learned that certain roles within the slums and ghettos are, if not universal, still broadly applicable to a wide range of urban areas. As a result, you know the grittiest, most dangerous streets of any settlement like the back of your own hand (or other primary appendage). Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about local laws, the criminal underworld, rumors, and official and unofficial power players in the area (such as crime bosses, gangs, neighborhood leaders, and police) by 5. Reduce the DC of Survival checks to live off the land by 5. Stealth is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to your Stealth checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Dexterity at character creation

Class Features

Tiefling Racial Abilities

Type :
Prerequisites :

Description :
Hit Points : 4
Size and Type : Planar scions are often Medium, and all are outsiders with the native subtype.
Ability Adjustments : +2 Dex,+2 Int, –2 Cha
Darkvision : Aasimars and tieflings have darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Deceitful : Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus to Bluff and Stealth checks.
Fiendish Gloom : As a standard action, the tiefling causes light within 20 feet of her to decrease one step. This gloom lasts for up to 1 minute, but the tiefling can dismiss it as a swift action. Nonmagical light sources can’t increase the light level in this area. Magical light can increase the light level in this area only if it’s from an item or creature of a level or CR higher than that of the tiefling. A tiefling can use this ability once per day, plus a number of times equal to half her CR or level.
Fiendish Resistance : Tieflings have resistance 5 to cold, electricity, and fire.

Light Armor Proficiency (Combat)

Type :
Prerequisites :

Description :
You know how to use light armor.

Benefit : You gain proficiency with light armor (see ArmorProficiency on page 242).

Basic Melee Weapon Proficiency (Combat)

Type :
Prerequisites :

Description :
You know how to use basic melee weapons.

Benefit : You gain proficiency with basic melee weapons (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243).

Small Arm Proficiency (Combat)

Type :
Prerequisites :

Description :
You know how to use small arms.

Benefit : You gain proficiency in small arms (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243).

Sniper Weapon Proficiency (Combat)

Type :
Prerequisites :

Description :
You know how to use sniper weapons.

Benefit : You gain proficiency in sniper weapons (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243).

Spell Cache (Su)

Type :
Technomancer 1
Prerequisites :

Description :
As the culmination of your early study of the fundamental forces of the galaxy, you have created a spell cache that allows you to store and access spells. Your spell cache could be a device such as a handheld computer or technological implant; an item such as a ring or staff; or a symbol such as a brand, tattoo, or other permanent modification to your body. While you don’t need your spell cache to cast your spells, once per day, you can activate your spell cache to cast any one spell you know and are capable of casting, even if you’ve expended all your spell slots for that spell’s level.

If your spell cache is damaged, it is restored to full Hit Points the next time you regain your daily allotment of spell slots. If the spell cache is lost or destroyed, you can replace it after 1 week with a special ritual that takes 8 hours to complete.

Magic Hack : Harmful Spells (Ex)

Type :
Technomancer 2
Prerequisites :

Description :
When you cast an instantaneous spell that deals damage, you can increase the spell’s damage by half your technomancer level. This increased damage applies to all creatures damaged by an area spell, but for spells that target multiple creatures with multiple rays or other attacks (such as magic missile), the increased damage applies only to a single ray or missile. This increased damage doesn’t apply to ongoing damage from the spell (such as bleed or burn). This magic hack doesn’t increase ability damage or other spell effects, only damage to Stamina Points or Hit Points.

Spell Focus

Type :
Prerequisites :
Ability to cast spells, character level 3rd

Description :
Through careful study, you have developed methods to make your spells harder to resist

Benefit : The DC of spells you cast increases by 1. At 11th level, the DC of your spells instead increases by 2, and at 17th level, the DC of spells you cast instead increases by 3. This bonus does not apply to spell-like abilities.

Techlore (Ex)

Type :
Technomancer 3
Prerequisites :

Description :
You rewire your mind to give you greater insight into the nature of magic and technology. You gain a +1 insight bonus to Computers and Mysticism checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

Weapon Specialization : Small Arms (Combat)

Type :
Prerequisites :
Character level 3rd, proficiency with selected weapon type.

Description :
You know how to get the full damage out of a weapon type your class doesn’t normally use.

Benefit : Choose one weapon type (small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, etc.). You gain specialization in that weapon type, which means you add your character level to damage with the selected weapon type, or half your character level for small arms or operative melee weapons. You can never have specialization in grenades.

Weapon Specialization : Basic Melee Weapons (Combat)

Type :
Prerequisites :
Character level 3rd, proficiency with selected weapon type.

Description :
You know how to get the full damage out of a weapon type your class doesn’t normally use.

Benefit : Choose one weapon type (small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, etc.). You gain specialization in that weapon type, which means you add your character level to damage with the selected weapon type, or half your character level for small arms or operative melee weapons. You can never have specialization in grenades.  

Weapon Specialization : Sniper (Combat)

Type :
Prerequisites :
Character level 3rd, proficiency with selected weapon type.

Description :
You know how to get the full damage out of a weapon type your class doesn’t normally use.

Benefit : Choose one weapon type (small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, etc.). You gain specialization in that weapon type, which means you add your character level to damage with the selected weapon type, or half your character level for small arms or operative melee weapons. You can never have specialization in grenades.

Magick Hack : Glitch Step (Su)

Type :
Technomancer 5
Prerequisites :

Description :
You can expend a 1st-level or higher spell slot to glitch yourself out of reality, as if you were an image on a bad view screen, allowing you to move in unpredictable ways. You must use this ability as part of a move action to move your speed or a withdraw action, and it provides you with one of the following benefits. You can use this ability only once per move action.
  • Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain. This increases to 40 feet of difficult terrain if you expend a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, and 60 feet of difficult terrain if you expend a 5th- or 6thlevel spell slot. 
  • Move 10 feet. This counts as 5 feet of movement, but you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving this way. Any other movement you attempt as part of your move action provokes reactions as normal. This increases to 20 feet if you expend a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, and 30 feet if you expend a 5th- or 6th-level spell slot.
  • Pass through up to 1 foot of solid objects as if you were incorporeal (Core Rulebook 264). You can pass through ceilings, floors, and walls, provided they’re no thicker than 1 foot.

Improved Initiative (Combat)

Type :
Prerequisites :

Description :
Your quick reflexes allow you to react rapidly to danger.

Benefit : You gain a +4 bonus to initiative checks.    

Statblocks for all your assets

Possessions & Property

Industrial Backpack

Personal Items - Backpack
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Backpacks have numerous pockets for storing items that you might need while adventuring and include industrial-strength straps for attaching additional items for easy access. Padded bands strap across the wearer’s chest and waist to evenly distribute the backpack’s weight, and it can carry roughly 2 bulk of items. When fitted properly and worn, the bulk of the backpack itself does not count against your bulk carried (though it does if you carry it in your hands), but the bulk of any items within it does.

When wearing a properly fitted industrial backpack, you treat your Strength score as 2 higher for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity. This does not stack with the effect of a consumer backpack.

Hygiene Kit

Personal Items - Other
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
This kit contains all of the tools and products needed to practice good grooming and hygiene. Kits designed for specific races include supplies (such as scale-care products for vesk or antennae grooming for lashuntas or shirrens) that are of less use to other creatures.

Everyday Clothing

Personal Items - Clothing
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Clothing is mass produced throughout the Pact Worlds, and the residents of the system are never wanting for clothes. Clothing is often worn both under and over armor, and its benefits apply in nearly all situations. Clothing comes in several varieties based upon its intended purpose, as described below.

Clothes designed for everyday wear come in a dazzling array of colors and styles, many of which are tailored to specific cultures or planets. Most characters choose their everyday wear based on their personal preferences.

Travel Clothing

Personal Items - Clothing
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Clothing is mass produced throughout the Pact Worlds, and the residents of the system are never wanting for clothes. Clothing is often worn both under and over armor, and its benefits apply in nearly all situations. Clothing comes in several varieties based upon its intended purpose, as described below.

A travel outfit offers additional comfort and support during overland travel. You add 2 miles per 8-hour day of overland movement while wearing a traveling outfit. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Constitution checks to avoid taking nonlethal damage resulting from a forced march. See Overland Movement on page 258 for more details.

Personal Comm Unit

Technological Items - Comm Units
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
A personal comm unit is pocket-sized device that combines a minor portable computer (treat as a tier 0 computer with no upgrades or modules) and a cellular communication device, allowing wireless communication with other comm units in both audio- and text-based formats at planetary range (see page 272). A personal comm unit also includes a calculator, a flashlight (increases the light level one step in a 15-foot cone), and several entertainment options (including games and access to any local infospheres). You can upgrade a personal comm unit to function as some other devices (such as full computers and scanners) by spending credits equal to 110% of the additional device’s price. Comm units that function at system-wide and unlimited ranges aren’t as portable; they include built-in generators that provide the necessary amount of power. Short-term use of these units can be purchased in most major settlements (see page 234). See page 430 for more about Pact Worlds communications.

Basic Med Kit

Technological Items - Medical Gear
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Medical gear allows you to attempt Medicine checks and determines the DC of Medicine checks to treat deadly wounds.See the Medicine skill on page 143 for more information.

The basic medkit has spray antiseptic, bandages, and handheld instruments designed to examine, explore, and treat common ailments. The basic medkit allows you to attempt DC 25 Medicine checks to treat deadly wounds.

Hacking Kit

Technological Items - Other
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Required for most Computer checks; see page 137 for more information.

Engineering Kit

Technological Items - Other
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Engineering checks without one take a –2 penalty.

Navigator's Tools

Technological Items - Other
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Grants a +4 bonus to Survival checks when orienteering


Technological Items - Restraints
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Binders are simple, single-use, resin-cord restraints that can be placed only on helpless, pinned, or willing creatures (a standard action). A pair of binders immobilizes two limbs of your choice. A creature can escape binders with a successful Acrobatics check (DC = 20 + 1-1/2 × your level).

MK 1 Serum of Healing

Magic Items - Serums
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
This vial of medical serum quickly sets bones and repairs other physical damage. It restores 1d8 Hit Points when administered to a living creature.

Longarm and Sniper Rounds

Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
25 Cartridges
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Standard Sniper Rounds

Small Arms Rounds

Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
30 Cartridges
Usage :
System :
Dose :

Description :
Standard Small Arms Rounds.

Statblocks for your spells.

Level 0 Spells

Detect Magic

Level :
Mystic 0 | Technomancer 0
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
Effect :
Duration :
Saving Throw :
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You determine whether a creature or object has been poisoned, is diseased, is cursed, or is suffering a similar affliction. If the target is poisoned or diseased, you automatically detect that fact and can determine the exact type of poison or disease with a successful DC 20 Intelligence or Wisdom check. If you are trained in Life Science or Medicine (depending on the nature of the poison or disease), you can attempt a DC 20 check of that skill if you fail your Wisdom or Intelligence check. If the target is cursed or suffering from a similar affliction, you must succeed at a DC 20 Intelligence or Wisdom check to determine that fact. You can then determine the exact nature of the curse with a successful DC 25 Mysticism check.


Psychokinetic Hand

Level :
Mystic 0 | Technomancer 0
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
Effect :
one unattended object of no more than 10 lbs. or 1 bulk
Duration :
Saving Throw :
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You point your finger at the target object, gaining the ability to lift it and move it at will from a distance. As a move action, you can propel the object as far as 15 feet in any direction, though the spell ends if the distance between you and the object ever exceeds the spell’s range. You can’t perform complex operations, such as firing a gun or using a computer, but you can shut a mechanical door or lid and work simple buttons to open or close automated doors or trigger an alarm.


Omni Tool

Level :
Technomancer 0
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
Effect :
one object of negligible bulk, or 5 UPBs
Duration :
1 round/level
Saving Throw :
Fortitude negates (object)
Spell Resistance :

Description :
While you hold the touched object, it transmutes into tools you need for Engineering checks. This tool provides no bonuses to Engineering checks, but it prevents you from taking a penalty for lacking a tool. If the transmuted object leaves your grasp, it reverts to normal.



Level :
Technomancer 0
School :
Casting Time :
10 Minutes
Range :
10 ft.
Effect :
one object
Duration :
Saving Throw :
Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance :

Description :
This spell repairs damaged objects and constructs, restoring 1d4 Hit Points. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original Hit Points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this spell to function. A construct can benefit from this spell only once per day. Magic items can be repaired by this spell, but magic items that are destroyed don’t have their magic abilities restored. This spell doesn’t reverse effects that warp or otherwise transmute items, but it can still repair damage dealt to such items.


Telepathic Message

Level :
Mystic 0 | Technomancer 0
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect :
up to one creature/level
Duration :
10 minutes/level
Saving Throw :
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You can send a short telepathic message and hear simple telepathic replies. Any living creature within 10 feet of you or an intended recipient also receives your telepathic message if it succeeds at a DC 25 Perception check. You must be able to see or hear each recipient. The creatures that receive the message can reply telepathically, but no more than a single message can be sent each round, and each message cannot exceed 10 words. A technomancer casting this spell can also use it to send a message to a computer or a construct with the technological subtype if the receiving target is designed to receive messages.


Ghost Sound

Level :
Mystic 0 | Technomancer 0
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
Effect :
illusory sounds
Duration :
1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw :
Will disbelief
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You create a volume of sound that rises, falls, recedes, approaches, or remains fixed. You choose what type of sound this spell creates when casting it and cannot thereafter change the sound’s basic character.  The volume of sound created can produce as much noise as 20 normal humans. Thus, you can create shouting, singing, talking, marching, running, or walking sounds, as well as sounds of battle or small explosions. You can make noises that sound like machines, the general chatter of distant conversation, or the roar of an alien predator, but you can’t make specific sounds such as intelligible speech or the exact hum of a particular  starship’s engines.


Level 1 Spells

Magic Missile

Level :
Technomancer 1
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action; see text
Range :
medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect :
up to three creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart; see text
Duration :
Saving Throw :
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You fire two missiles of magical energy that strike targets unerringly (the creatures must still be valid targets) and deal 1d4+1 damage each. You can’t target specific parts of a creature, and objects are not damaged by the spell.   You can target a single creature or several creatures, but each missile can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you attempt to overcome spell resistance or roll damage.   You can cast this spell as a full action. If you do, you fire three missiles instead of two.


Know Coordinates

Level :
Mystic 1 | Technomancer 1
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
Effect :
Duration :
Saving Throw :
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You learn the general location of one creature on the same planetary body as you, up to the size of a large planet, such as a gas giant. You must be able to identify the creature clearly from personal knowledge of who they are. If you and the creature you identify are not on the same planet-sized body, the spell fails. You can input the coordinates into any computer attached to an infosphere on the same planet to find general directions. If you use the Piloting skill’s navigation task to reach the coordinates, these directions make your familiarity seldom visited (DC 15) even if the area would normally be unfamiliar.


Seeking Shot

Level :
Technomancer 1
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
Effect :
one weapon
Duration :
see text
Saving Throw :
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You create a spiritual link between a weapon you touch and one target you can perceive with a precise sense at the time of casting. The next attack made with that weapon against that target (as long as it is within 1 minute) ignores cover and concealment. If the attack is a ranged attack, it does not need a line of effect as long as some route exists between the weapon and the target (regardless of how circuitous that route is). The attack is subject to the normal penalties from range increments.


Supercharge Weapon

Level :
Technomancer 1
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
Effect :
one weapon
Duration :
see text
Saving Throw :
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You supercharge the target weapon. If the weapon’s next attack hits (provided it is made before the end of the next round), the attack deals 4d6 additional damage if the weapon is a single target attack or 2d6 additional damage if the weapon attacks all creatures in an area. This bonus damage is of the same type as the weapon’s normal damage.


Level 2 Spells


Level :
Technomancer 2
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
Effect :
one creature or object no more than 10 bulk/level
Duration :
1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw :
Will negates (harmless, object), see text; S
Spell Resistance :

Description :
The creature or object touched becomes invisible (see page 264). If the target is a creature, any gear it is carrying vanishes as well. If you cast the spell on someone else, neither you nor your allies can see the target unless you can normally see invisible things or you employ magic to do so.   The spell ends if the target attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell or harmful effect targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe.   Actions directed at unattended objects don’t break the spell. Spells that specifically affect allies but not foes are not attacks for this purpose, even when they include foes in their area. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon security forces and have them attack, start a trash compactor with foes inside, remotely trigger traps, and so forth.


Spider Climb

Level :
Mystic 2 | Technomancer 2
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
Effect :
one creature
Duration :
10 minutes/level
Saving Throw :
Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance :

Description :
The target can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a spider does. An affected creature with four limbs must have three limbs free (not holding equipment or being used to perform skills and so on) to climb in this manner. A creature with six limbs needs only four available. In general, other creatures must have 75% of their limbs available to benefit from this spell. The target gains a climb speed of 20 feet (and the +8 racial bonus to Athletics checks to climb granted by that climb speed furthermore, it doesn’t need to attempt Athletics checks to climb to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). An affected creature climbing in this way is not flat-footed while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. The creature, however, can’t use the run action while climbing.


Caustic Conversion

Level :
Technomancer 2
School :
Casting Time :
1 standard action
Range :
medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect :
one creature or object
Duration :
1 round + 1 round/3 levels
Saving Throw :
Spell Resistance :

Description :
You fling magical nanites that convert water vapor around your target into deadly acid. Make a ranged attack roll against your target’s EAC. If you hit, the target takes 4d4 acid damage and it takes 5 additional acid damage at the end of its turn each round for the spell’s duration.


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