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Artistic Imprint

9th level-Level Artificer, Tattooist Feature
You learn how to render objects to their essence and convert them into body art. As an action, you can touch an object that is not being worn or held or is being held by a willing creature, converting the object into a magical tattoo of that object on your own body.
The tattoo size depends on the size of the object, a Tinyobject will need at most a partial limb, but a Mediumobject will take the whole torso or multiple limbs, and any object larger than Medium can only be placed on a creature of at least one size category larger than the object. As an action, you can magically convert it back into an object, leaving only the outline of the tattoo on your body. If the Imprint item is a set of armor, you can choose to instantly don it as an action. If the Imprint item is a weapon or Tiny object, you can choose whether the item appears in your hand or in your space when summoned to physical form.
If you touch an object held by another creature, that creature can choose to make a Strength saving throw against your artificer spellcasting DC to prevent you from turning the object into a tattoo; this saving throw is made with advantage if the object is magical. An object worn or attuned by an unwilling creature cannot be turned into a tattoo in this way.
You can also Imprint objects onto willing creatures, but this process takes longer and requires materials. A Tinyobject can be imprinted onto a creature in ten minutes work, for 10gp worth of tattooing ink. A Small object in an hour, for 25gp, and a Medium object for 100gp and four hours work. This Imprinting requires the use of tattooing needles and ink, and requires you to be within 5 feet of the creature receiving the Imprint at all times. If the process is interrupted before completion, expended materials and time are lost, and the process must start over again.
A creature can have a maximum number of Imprintitems equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum of 1), although Tiny objects count as half an object for these purposes. An object reappears in the nearest unoccupied space if the limb it is tattooed on is severed or if the creature it is tattooed on dies. Spells which interact with a specific c object (such as locate object or Drawmij's instant summons) instead interact with the creature with the object tattooed on it. To break the bond of an Imprint, the imprinted object must remain in object form for 24 hours, after which the outline disappears from the bearer's body.

Created by

Raven Gladstone.

Statblock Type

Class Features (KS)
