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Arcane Art

3rd level-Level Artificer, Tattooist Feature
You can use your action to create a piece of magical artwork on the flesh of a creature you touch, marking that creature. To mark an unwilling creature, you must succeed on a melee spell attack roll using your artificer spell attack bonus. At 3rd level, you can have one mark active at a time. This improves to two marks of different types at 9th and one of each type at 15th. These marks last 1 hour at 3rd level, 8 hours at 9th level, and 24 hours at 15th level. When you mark a creature, you choose the type created.
Each mark gains additional effects at 9th and 15th level, listed within the type of mark.
Mark of the Shared Body
  • Life Tether (3rd): Each time you take damage, you can use your reaction to force the creature bearing this Mark to make a constitution saving throw against your artificer spell save DC (if unwilling). On a failed save, you gain resistance to the triggering damage, and the creature bearing this Mark takes the same amount of damage. In addition, when the creature bearing this Mark takes damage, you can use your reaction to grant that creature resistance to the triggering damage. You then take the same amount of damage.
  • Share Life (9th): You can use a bonus action to have you or the target creature spend one hit die and adds its Constitution modifier to the amount rolled. Whichever creature you chose to expend a hit die, the other creature regains lost hit points equal to the amount rolled. If the target creature is unwilling to participate in this exchange, it may make a Constitution saving throw against your Artificer spell save DC. On a successful save, this Mark disappears.
  • Reactive Destruction (15th): If you are targeted by a spell, you can use your reaction to have the bearer of this Mark suffer the damage or effects of the spell. The bearer of this Mark determines if it is willing, if relevant, and makes any applicable saving throws. Once you invoke this effect, this Mark disappears, and you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Mark of the Shared Mind
  • Share Senses (3rd): You can use a bonus action to perceive through the target creature's senses until the end of your next turn, but you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings while doing so. You can also use a bonus action to attempt to force the creature to perceive through your senses and similarly be blinded and deafened to its own surroundings until the end of your next turn, but this is only successful if the target fails a Wisdom saving throw against your Artificer spell save DC.
  • Share Experience (9th): You can use a bonus action to gain proficiency in one tool, instrument, language, skill, weapon, armor, or saving throw the target has proficiency in, or grant one of your proficiencies to the target creature. This proficiency lasts while this Mark remains or until you activate this property again to gain a different proficiency from the same creature.
  • Share Thoughts (9th): You can communicate telepathically with the target creature (no action required), and it can communicate telepathically back.To do so, the creature must be capable of understanding at least one language, though you need not have any languages in common.
  • Domination (15th): You can use your action to cast dominate monster on the target, using your artificer spell save DC. If cast in this way, the maximum duration of the spell is 1 minute. This Mark is destroyed immediately if the creature succeeds on any saving throw against the spell and if not when the spell ends. Once you invoke this effect, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.
Mark of the Shared Soul
  • Conduct Magic (3rd): You can choose (no action required) to count the creature as within range for your spells and other magical effects, so long as you are on the same plane of existence, and you can choose to count yourself in range of any spell the creature would cast or magical effect the creature produces. The choice is made per spell or effect.
  • Redirect Focus (9th): You can use a bonus action to transfer an Artificer spell to the target if the target is willing. The target creature becomes the source of the spell (even if normally the spell would only be able to target the caster) and maintains concentration on the spell instead of you if the transferred spell requires concentration.
  • Shared Grasp (15th): As a bonus action, you can choose to gain or grant the passive benefits of an item you currently have attuned, or an item attuned by the target creature. This benefit lasts for the duration of this Mark or until you end it as a bonus action. The attuned creature does not gain the benefit of the item in question while that benefit is being borrowed by the other.

Created by

Raven Gladstone.

Statblock Type

Class Features (KS)
