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Name Scale Rot School Necromancy
Spell Level 4 Range 30 feet
Casting Time 1 Action Duration Up to 1 minute
Components V, S, M Materials A piece of rotten meat
Ritual No Concentration Yes
You summon death and decay to plague your enemies.
One creature of your choosing within 30 feet of you that has natural armor must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, attacks against that creature’s Armor Class are made with advantage, and the creature can’t regain hit points through any means.
An effected creature can end the effect by using an action to make a successful Constitution saving throw. A successful saving throw ends the effect on that creature and makes the creature immune to further castings of scale rot for 24 hours.   At Higher Levels   When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the number of affected targets increases by 1 per slot level above 4th.


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