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Flying Machine

3rd-Level Artificer, Aeronaut Feature
At the end of a long rest, you can use your woodcarver's tools to construct a Flying Machine. You choose the Machine's appearance, but it has no effect on its abilities. Your Flying Machine has the following features:
  • It can be used as a spellcasting focus by you.
  • It is built to fit you, and can be worn over light armor.
  • When you fall, and aren't incapacitated, you subtract up to 100 feet from your fall when calculating falling damage, and can move 2 feet horizontally every 1 foot you fall.
  • You gain a flying speed of 15 feet, which increases as you gain levels in this class; at 5th level (20 feet), 9th level (30 feet), and in finally at 15th level (60 feet).
  • When you make a weapon attack while at least 5 feet off the ground, you can use your Intelligence, in place of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
You can only have one Flying Machine at a time, and creating another causes the other to fall into disrepair.

Created by

Raven Gladstone.

Statblock Type

Class Features (KS)
