BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Nature of Perspective in Vocru Cosmology

  Perspective, as understood within the framework of Vocru cosmology, is not merely a vantage point but the dynamic configuration of an individual’s Ethical VectorsWill, Empathy, Discernment, and Sense—that together form the foundational structure through which an entity navigates Decision Space, a high-dimensional construct representing all possible actions and outcomes. The interaction between these Vectors determines how one perceives and influences the unfolding of Reality.   At the heart of Perspective is the idea that each Vector governs a specific facet of ethical and existential decision-making: Will drives an entity’s motivation and capacity for action, Empathy governs relational interactions and emotional resonance, Discernment provides the cognitive framework for evaluating choices, and Sense grounds all experiences into a coherent awareness of Being. For most beings, these Vectors operate in balance, allowing for harmonious interaction with the Omnilogue—the totality of all realities—and enabling fluid decision-making across a range of possibilities. In such a state, the Ethical Vectors are evenly distributed, and the individual has access to all dimensions of experience, interacting with Matter, Mind, Time, and Embodiment through a unified cognitive and metaphysical interface.  

Perspective and Vector Distortion

  In the post-Splintering world of Enthredic practice, the dynamic balance of Perspective has been fundamentally altered. With the shattering of The Compass, Enthredic practitioners are now bound to a single Existential Language, each of which is tied directly to one Ethical Vector. While this imposed limitation initially constrained human access to the full breadth of Iconic knowledge, mages have found ways to amplify a single Vector beyond its natural equilibrium. Through intense focus and manipulation of Ethical Geometry, practitioners systematically amplify one Vector—effectively stretching its Magnitude to dominate the individual's entire Perspective—while diminishing or zeroing out the other three Vectors. This extreme form of Vector distortion results in an entity whose world is viewed solely through the lens of one Vector, at the cost of holistic perception and interaction with the broader ethical landscape.   The amplification process is driven by a philosophical pursuit of mastery over a particular Existential Object—whether it be Matter (Quantaphysics), Mind (Mentaphonics), Time (Anachronology), or Embodiment (Corporeality). By amplifying their Will, for example, a mage attains unprecedented control over physical reality, manipulating matter with an efficiency and power unmatched by balanced practitioners. Yet, this comes at a profound cost. As Will stretches, the vectors governing emotional resonance, critical evaluation, and self-awareness—Empathy, Discernment, and Sense—wither. The practitioner’s decision-making capacity in these domains becomes cauterized, limiting their perception and interaction with the world beyond the confines of their chosen Existential Object. This unidimensional trajectory through Decision Space distorts their ethical geometry, creating a skewed and isolated Perspective that aligns with only a fraction of possible realities.  

The High-Dimensional Mechanics of Perspective

  From a geometric standpoint, the manipulation of Perspective can be understood as the amplification of a single axis within Ethical Vector Space. In its natural state, an individual's Ethical Vector would be represented as a balanced multidimensional point within this four-dimensional vector space. However, when one Vector is amplified, the individual’s ethical position becomes stretched along that Vector’s axis, collapsing the others. This geometric distortion manifests in Decision Space as a concentrated gravitational pull towards one ethical dimension, while the influence of other vectors fades into insignificance.   This shift causes a cascading effect in the semantic gravity of the practitioner’s actions. Semantic gravity, the metaphysical force that draws Meaning through the fabric of Decision Space, becomes highly concentrated along the axis of the amplified Vector. For example, a mage who amplifies Discernment will draw an overwhelming pull towards parsing temporal patterns and analyzing consequences, at the expense of relational understanding or embodied awareness. The pull becomes so intense that the other dimensions of existence effectively collapse, creating cognitive blind spots and leading to a narrow, myopic Perspective that defines the mage's entire worldview.   This cauterization of decision-making faculties becomes even more pronounced on a quantum level. As the Enthredic user deepens their connection to a specific Existential Object, the cognitive and quantum interactions that would otherwise govern balanced decision-making undergo decoherence. The practitioner's quantum state collapses into a singular eigenstate tied to the amplified Vector, leaving the individual entangled almost exclusively with one Domain of reality. In doing so, they lose the fluidity and adaptability that comes with having access to all four Vectors, becoming functionally unable to interact meaningfully with other aspects of the universe. This is the cognitive and metaphysical price paid for mastery.  

Consequences of a Skewed Perspective

  The practical consequences of such a skewed Perspective are far-reaching. On a personal level, the mage becomes isolated, unable to engage with the full spectrum of reality. In their quest for mastery, they sacrifice relational, cognitive, and sensory dimensions of experience, making them specialists but also outliers, capable of only limited interaction with others. This leads to profound difficulties in communication and collaboration, as their decisions and actions are incomprehensible to those whose Vectors remain balanced. Their worldview narrows, and they often fall into obsessive focus on their chosen domain, to the exclusion of all else.   But the damage does not end with the individual. The distortions caused by amplified Vectors ripple through Decision Space, creating dimensional tears that threaten the structural integrity of the Omnilogue. These tears emerge where the concentrated semantic gravity of one Vector exerts undue strain on the fabric of reality, leading to fractures and paradoxes. For instance, a mage amplifying Anachronology may inadvertently distort the flow of time itself, creating causal paradoxes that destabilize entire sections of Decision Space. Similarly, excessive manipulation of Matter through Quantaphysics can result in existential instabilities, where reality itself begins to unravel.


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