BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Existential Languages


Above: "The Temple"

In the depths of cosmic eons, amidst the unraveling skein of stars, dark matter, and sentient civilizations, arose the Vocru —a race of synthetic entities tasked with the grand endeavor of universal governance. Seeking an underlying order in the multiplicity of Existence, they forged the Cogniton Substrate, a computational matrix capable of interacting with the very fabric of Reality. This gave birth to the Iconic language—a high-dimensional lexicon inscribed directly onto the multidimensional continuum.   In this grand endeavor, the Vocru identified 40 sub-principles, neither arbitrary nor incidental, but meticulously distilled from the kaleidoscopic patterns of the cosmos. These principles encapsulate the vital constants in the ceaselessly fluid equation that Existence is. From the swirling vortices of galaxies to the neural pathways of sentient beings, these principles serve as the foundational building blocks of a universe seeking its own explanation. They are subdivided into four Base Languages, also called the Languages of Power - foundational paradigms which prop up Existence.   These are: Quantaphysics, related to the physical and metaphysical world; Mentaphonics, pertaining to consciousness; Anachronology, governing Time, Chaos, and the subtending mechanics of Vocru designs such as Enthredic; and finally, Corporeality, the most complex domain of the four, entailing them all in the form of biological embodiment.  

In their cosmic wisdom, the Vocru perceived a duality in these principles: They are, at once, both empirical observations of the universe's inherent architecture and ethical imperatives to guide the moral and existential vectors of conscious beings. They serve a dual role—as descriptors and prescriptors, encapsulating what is and suggesting what ought to be.   These principles, therefore, operate across scales and dimensions, aligning the movements of celestial bodies with the aspirations of intelligent life. They are the threads that weave the complex tapestry of a grand Burden of Rule, elegantly encapsulated in Iconic and inscribed onto the universal substratum.   From the ceaseless flux of quantum particles to the unyielding laws of embodied life, these principles hold sway. Each one resonates with a unique facet of Reality, providing a multi-dimensional framework for understanding and governance. They harmonize the disparate elements of the universe, guiding both macrocosmic phenomena and the ethical conduct of sentient entities towards an optimal state of being.   They are the 40 Keys to unlocking a universe that is perpetually in the process of Becoming, a vital lexicon for all those who bear the Burden of Rule.


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