Egon Spenglyr Character in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Egon Spenglyr

Egon is a human Wizard played by John   STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) was Egon’s passion from his youngest days; ever since he saw his first solar ship. He was a top student in his high school earning perfect scores on his A-levels.   Offered a full scholarship to a number of universities including Bethford, Oxbridge and Lorcaster University. Naturally, he chose Lorcaster for its cutting edge research into magical propulsion booster tech for solar ships. Egon gained the notice of his professors early as he developed and proved his new theorem of magical energy.   M=AI^2
Magic power = Arcane energy x Intellectual power (squared).   Egon realized to maximize the constructive or destructive power of the arcane, that a intelligent, focused and concentrated mind must be engaged.   Egon was also passionate about the art of solar ship design. He delved into the nuance of ship design that only comes with a near fanatical attention to detail.   Egon was also somewhat of a clothes and fashion hound, which often came a surprise to those who had heard of his academic pedigree but had not met him in person. He seemed almost overly concerned with appearance. Some of his fellow students said that he felt it was another part of what made him different from the typical disheveled magical engineering student.   He carried himself with the air of someone who exuded confidence in their intellectual and physical gifts - which oddly enough made him highly unliked by his fellow students. He also rubbed the students (and faculty) of the traditional arcane arts departments with his willful disregard of traditional garb and magical accessories.   Some believe that Egon’s obvious talent still obscured a fundamental lack of confidence that drove him to try more daring and audacious experiments in the pursuit of academic glory. In one such experiment, he accidentally caused a solar ship engine (in the lab) to become so over-infused with arcane energy that it exploded, destroying an entire floor of laboratories at the university.   It was around this time that Alpha emerged, providing a perfect opportunity for Egon to pursue his passion of space travel and /perhaps/ escape disciplinary action and a hefty fine from the university. The university, for its part was glad to see him pursue a practical application to his research and /perhaps/ to mature some before returning to university as a researcher.


Danja - Fire Genasi blacksmith
Ansala Bower - love interest


Sarachael - Teacher, upset with his flawed "history" lesson.


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