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Corbach is a large mining city in the Dubhar Mountains and the capital of the island Brastir. The city has 6 districts and the mines.


What started as a small settlement in the mountains, grew into a large and beautiful city. Since the support of the The Dawn Empire, it has become a sprawling city smartly engineered on artificial islands on the lake. It used to be ruled by the family that first discovered the cavern, the Corbachs, but when Brastir was absorbed by the Empire, a change in leadership took place. This is still causing some unrest among the noble families. The new leader is a female dwarf, called .....
Goblin Slavery
The goblins and bugbears have been used for around 100 years to help in the mines.


Most dwarves in Corbach are very religious, and they pray often to one of the Virtues. It's a daily ritual to go by one of the temples or shrines and place a small offering or do a prayer.
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There is an underground temple for the 'old god' Moradin, in the civilians district.   There are also some symbols of other old gods, taken from tradition, on establishments.



Large dwarven head carvings above the opening of where the river comes out. It's a familiy, the Corbachs, Hemnes, Lilla, and their sons Daskar and Svallis.
Bidroc, Midroc at the large gate.
Port & Customs
Space for quite some ships. You have to apply for a permit to go into the city. There is a customs gate, and next to it an office where you can apply for a permit. A young female dwarf takes care of this. The level of your permit decides which districts you can visit. Level 1 (5 gold) only gives access to the Trade District, Level 2 (10 gold) also to the others and Level 3 (50 gold) gives access to any place except the ruler island, that needs an extra permit. There are also specific permits that only allow some islands to be visited.

Trade District

Inns & Taverns


Very large warehouse where trading and selling happens. Different levels:
  1. Food (specialty is sweets)
  2. Weaponry (extra check for access)
  3. Glass and other luxury items
  4. Stonework


Potent Tinctures: Temporary shop in the market. Has watered down healing potions and multiple ointments of questionable effect.
Rituals: Spell Scroll shop for your everyday use.
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Alarm, Unseen Servant, Purify Food and Drink, Comprehend Languages, Prestidigitation, Produce Flame, Dancing Lights, Minor Illusion, Thaumaturgy, Message, Mage Hand, Light, Goodberry, Cure Wounds.


Virtue Ambition. Small shrines for all of them except Independence.

Guild District

Frefil's Sweets Factory

Large Factory where they produce large amounts of sweets for the Frefil Sweets Empire (Frefil's Fantasic Sweets).

Guild Hall

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Tackle & Block Construction. Master Dreggel Woodcrafter, best woodcrafter, makes machinery for mines, has exclusive rights to use magicore, he paid the most.

Inns & Taverns

The Sapphire Stone  


Virtue Excellence.

Knowledge District

Bookwyrm Tower

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They give lessons at magic uni, where they got their own education as well. They are mostly independent from the rulers, but help with emergencies. They also have to help in marine efforts sometimes, but prefer to focus on research.

Two dwarf mages live here: Yustrotir (Yust) & Yanmalynn (Lynn) Bookwyrm. Lynn is very confused and forgets easily (something went wrong with an experiment). They can make scrolls for you. They have a servant dwarf who takes questions and orders. Lynn thinks he is named Warf or Warg, but his actual name is Marus. The Tower is actually two towers will different levels. Some floors house huge botanical experiments, there is a teleportation circle and they have their own library and experimental rooms.  


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Need access here as well.

Worker District

This is where most of the mineworkers live.  



Exploration & Logistics

Boss: Fredric Hedstrom.


Boss: Johanna Mineworker
Chuul and Bulette's (called Ghoribrorn by the dwarves) are used for heavy digging and hauling labor.  


Boss: Hebbla Forsberg
She is in charge of the goblin slaves and the dwarves that are the beast keepers for the chuul and bulette. She sees all the employees, including the slaves, as her children.  


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There exists an underground movement in the city. Part of it is underground trade, part is a crime syndicate that has close ties with the underground temple of Moradin. There are a lot of tunnels under the city.


Towers and gate at the entrance of the cave.

Industry & Trade

Mining, Forge.


  • Corbach
Large city
Dwarven and Goblin slaves.
Location under

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