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1000 Islands

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The apocalypse came about 900-1000 years ago. There are some legends preserved by the elven people, but there is no 100% clarity about what exactly caused it. The story that almost every intelligent being on the planet knows is a variation on the following:

At the beginning of time, the ancient dragon god blew life into this world. She constructed the elemental planes and brought forth four elemental primordial gods to shape the world with her: the god of the earth, the god of the sea, the god of fire and the god of air. These gods got on well with each other for a while and brought life and creation to the material plane bit by bit. Sea and land were created and filled with (sometimes intelligent) creatures and animals and also several new gods who got their own domain to sustain. In this way the whole world was gradually filled, half with land (1 large continent) and half with the sea. When everything was ready, there was little more to do for the primordial gods than to observe what they had created.

From here on the legends differ. They all agree, however, that one of the two had a reason to steal something from the other's domain. According to the water races this was the land god, according to the terrans the ruler of the sea. It doesn't matter for the rest of the story. The other god did not just accept this (and perhaps welcomed the distraction) and decided to steal something back. Major tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and general chaos were the result of this struggle. Gods of war and strife were born in this conflict. The creator god of heaven brought an end to the war by slinging herself at the earth and breaking the land and sea into two large pieces, which drifted apart to two sides of the world. Everything calmed down again and the primal forces fell into a deep sleep. For years no sun was seen on earth and 90% of the remaining life in the sea and on the land died out. Centuries passed in which everything on the planet had time to grow, develop and even build new civilizations, under the new gods born from this conflict. However, this happened separately on two sides of the world, as volcanic activity circled the planet like a ring.

Around 1000 years ago, that changed. Exactly how it happened is not entirely clear, but the primordial gods woke up from their slumber and decided to continue their age-old conflict. This time, however, they were not easily put back to sleep. They fought for years; the world fell into chaos. A large part of the world population died of all natural disasters caused by the war. In the meantime, there were plenty of other gods under one of the three primordial gods who also participated in this fight, making it only bigger and more terrible. Ultimately, something ended the war by causing the Shattering, where all the land broke into pieces. Everywhere the earth broke and volcanoes were created, both above and below water. The gods of the sea and the land lost their powers and fell into a deep sleep again.

After years and years, what was left of civilization began to reorganize itself. The first part of the earth where a relatively large part of civilization had survived made a world government to get things back in order as quickly as possible. To achieve this, a large navy fleet was established, which would become increasingly important and influential. Due to the breakage of the country in more than 1000 islands, the shipping industry, which was almost non-existent here, developed rapidly in various areas. The navy fleet expanded their influence and helped rebuild on many of the large islands. There were many places that had lower priority or were skipped for other reasons, and not everyone had the means to survive in this cruel, harsh world. This caused a lot of unrest and dissatisfaction with this new government.

While the reconstruction was still in full swing and the navies spread their influence further and further, stories began to circulate about a fleet of legendary shipmen, who did not care about the new government and traveled as nomads to discover and help the new country where possible. They came from the part of the country where the influence of the navies was not yet very present and had a large fleet with which they managed to cross the dangerous volcanic depths in the seas. The most famous legends of this group are know by all the sailors, many of the stories are about legendary lost cities with magical artifacts being recovered from the other side of the world, the existence of which was unknown to this half. There are stories going around that on the other side of the world the magic was much further developed and that this is one of the reasons why the most fantastic treasures and fascinating civilizations can be found here. Because the group of shipmen, who called themselves the sailors of the apocalypse, did not care about the law and the government, this legendary group was labeled as the apocalyptic pirates, a nickname that they gladly took. The fantastic stories that are told about this group of pirates makes that many beings are attracted to such a life of tension, sensation and discovery.

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